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Amylase Enzyme Biology Investigation Sample

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Introduction: Analysis of Amylase Enzyme Activity and Optimization of Experimental Conditions

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Practical Investigation For Biology – Amylase Enzyme Assignment Sample

Amylase is the catalytic hydrolysis enzyme which helps to convert the starch into sugar. It mainly presents in the saliva of the mammals and humans and helps in the digestion process through the chemical reaction. It is the starch degrading enzyme which arranges to make the bond in hydrolysis through the constitution of the simple sugar and limitation in dextrin. It produces abnormal results in the time of leveling the urine or blood with the maintenance of the body temperature. Acute pancreatitis, severe inflammation and sudden changes in the health are the effects of increasing the rate of the amylase (Fadzilet al. 2020). It inactivates the activity rate of the α-amylase and creates the gastric juice from this method. It is found from the virtually of the human being through their pancreatic system because it is an enzyme which is the type of pancreatic juice. It is so good for human health because it slowly breaks down the carbohydrate into small pieces which is easily absorbed by the body. The experimental process is to contain the NACL and starch solution in a containing beaker, divide the mixture into the small pours by following the particular experimental numbers and add the limited drops of pH into it to make the proper mixture of it which can be properly added in the dry test tube.

Initial proposal for an investigation

  1. Relevant and appropriate area for investigation: SSF method is the relevant and appropriate area for the amylase experiment because through this type of method, the experimental process increases in a proper way. The measurement rate of the substrate is the main gateway to know the rate of the experimental criteria in a proper way because this is the main process to know about the proper color and method of the experiment by the following reactions (Arieskaet al. 2018). Here the temperature is minimum 37°C and the whole experiment happens between these temperatures because this is the only way to know about the better results in a proper way without making any type of mistake. Food, pharmaceutical industries and fermentation are the only process by which one can justify the application of the amylase enzyme.
  2. Appropriate working title and themefor the project: In this proposal, the working topic is the experiment of the amylase enzyme and recording of the pH from time to time. So the total theme is based on the experimental amylase enzyme because here the description, working structure, color and working method are fully discussed about it and the working title is based on the recording of pH because here the pH makes the great role to revise the whole process in a proper way (Enemarieet al. 2018). Along with this, different substrates, natural sources, temperature and activities also play the important role to change its ways and get the proper result about the maintenance of pH balance. But for this, the constant and experimental way must be in an active stage to regulate the whole process and make the temperature from the lower and lower from the higher depending on the whole experiment.
  3. Value of rationale, aim and objectives to develop the proposal: Here the rationale of the proposal is to get the given data about the experimental process because through the examine of the amylase enzyme because there are some beneficial effects of the experiment like monitoring the problem of the pancreas, maintaining the inflammation of the pancreas ad lacking the gastric juice in pancreas (Thahir, R. 2021). These all are examined through these methods because these are the only way by which one can know the difference between one another. In the time of examination, it is notified that it also breaks down the complex carbohydrate into the simple carbohydrate through this method. So it is clear that the examination helps to detect the pH level through the investigation process. The aim of the proposal is to find the clear lab test report by maintaining the searching methods of the amylase enzyme because when the experiment makes a clear result in the whole process then it should be always better to make a good result from the process (Marchuk, Y.M. 2021). The objective of the topic is to search for the particular rating of changing the level of the pH which is very important to know about the better result of the experimental method because this is the only way to know about the exact result after a certain moment of the process. 
  4. Theoretical context to underpin theories and concepts: Here the theory is that the action of the salivary amylase in starch means the investigation process of the amylase enzyme is properly described here through the following methods. The action of the salivary amylase is to break down the particles in the smaller arts like sugar. When the amylase enzymes break down the complex compound of carbohydrate into a single compound of the carbohydrate then the theory is totally different for each of them because there is no process of indigestion due to the breaking method of carbohydrate. It helps to digest the starchy foods like rice, pastas and potatoes (Putri, A.N. 2021). The subtraction or diffusion is held through the complexity mechanism of the enzymatic factors. As the example, it helps the starch in converting the maltose and at the end blue color is found due to the formation of the complex molecule.

Produce a plan for carrying out the investigation

  1. Key stages in the experiment: The key strategies of the amylase enzyme experiment are to know the experience about hydrolysis, make the process of complex compound to the simple compound and get the identification about the ironic reaction of stage. These all are vital in this strategy because this is the only way to know the difference between one particular matter with others and for this, the knowledge about the enzymatic reaction is very important to know the difference between each other (Penget al. 2019). The most appropriate test of it is the blue black test where the color identification process is very easy to know the differentiation between one particular molecule to other molecule for maintaining the proper method about the examination because in this method, the color of the test changes into violet to pink and it only happens when there is the presence of the starch. 
  2. Producing the planning to identify resources and time for every stage: Subtracting plan is applied here due to making the advance method of the plan because here the main discussion part is about the experiment of the amylase which is a complex enzyme. The complexity of the enzyme is divided into two parts due to the reduction of the process and for this complex compound easily reduced into the simple compound for this type of easy method (Safo-Aduet al. 2022). Here the using instrument is a spectrophotometer which is used to know the information about the chemicals in a proper method and colors turns deep pink to light violet. Amylase is the neutral enzyme and for this, the balance of the pH is 7 and the color of the products change due to longer availability of the iodine enzyme. But it directly affects the binding particles with the substrate enzyme due to the proper binding of the molecule. In a short period of time, the effect of enzymes can easily disappear and the color of the mixture turns transparent.
  3. Appropriate methodology for the project: Here the secondary method is used as the form of the deductive approach because all the data is collected here with the proper form of referencing and the recent journal articles. All the informative data is full with different types of researching methods and proper form of collection because there is no need to observe the data in the proper way (Bates et al. 2019). There is no chance about the matter of copy paste because all the information is presented here in their language. So there is no chance of sentence error and grammatical mistakes. The collection is also made through hard work and the interview process because the data is collected about the mentioning knowledge of the people about the experiment and there is no chance of wrong decision to identify the pH balance.
  4. Range of relevant materials and sources from education domain: Here the different types of sources and materials are researched where the main work is presented here about the process of the blue black experiment which is a powerful test method for this experiment because this is the only process to know the proper value of the whole experimental method (Ofori-Appiahet al. 2022). In this term, the value of the experimental knowledge can increase day by day due to its permanent effect on the terms of evaluation because in this way, the proper method of the learning environment is made very clear to others. So it is necessary to use the proper materials and sources in the time of experiment for knowing the value of the method and it also fixes the value of the pH balance by judging the differentiation of the temperature.

Carry out an investigation

  1. Collection of accurate and sufficient data to maintain the aims of the experiment: The aim of the investigation is to find the clear result of the lab test through the searching of the good result (Ezra et al. 2022). For this, many types of data are collected here to know about the particular process of the investigation by which one can get an idea about the method that is useful for making sure that the experiment is collected on its own basis. But for this, the secondary data collection method is necessary to know about the proper term and conditions about the investigated data which are very clear at the time of experiment to know about the proper method of the investigation. This is adequate and knowledgeable which is very important to know about the proper result of the experiment of the amylase enzyme because by maintaining this term and condition, the aim is successful and there is no chance of data hacking because all the information collected here is the basic parts of safety and security. So the procedure of the enzymatic reaction always follows the method of the investigation through the process of selection in a proper way. But sometimes, the reaction can vary in its way of maintenance which is very easy to recover but there is no second chance to observe the whole matter in a particular way (Demeliaet al. 2020). So the researcher must be careful in the time of doing the experiment and there should be the chance of making a great observation in the time of time of color changing and temperature fluctuation.
  2. Carry out the investigation with diligence and due care: For every experimental method, there must be maintained some caring process to save from the emergency attack of the experiment. In the time of blue black test, the liquid can be spread into the skin and make a serious harmful effect of it. So for every experimental princess, the proportion of glass and skin guards are always necessary because if there is any type of problematic situation then the easy method is to save from it through these technical methods (Rodriguez et al. 2021). The prepared solutions and powdered enzymes are very effective in this type of examination because following this process, it is clear that the amylase reaction also needs some pros and cons to avoid the attack of the chemicals because in the time of observation, if any type of chemical can spread then the most important part is to take the proper guard to avoid these problems. But for this, awareness and safety are the most important factors to avoid these situations. 

Analyze and draw conclusions from the findings

Presentation of the data through the enable analysis

Lab experimental data for Amylase


















































Table 1: Lab experimental data for amylase

(Source: MS-Excel)

Ph values

Theta values observed for different phs

Ph 4 Theta


Ph 5 Theta


Ph 6 Theta


Ph 7 Theta


Ph 8 Theta


Table 2: Calculated Theta values for different ph levels

(Source: MS-Excel)

Conclusions from the theoretical context, data and aims of the experiment

Here the data is collected based on the lab test and in this section, the experiment of amylase is observed carefully. All the reactions, using factors, temperature and pH balance make the key role to complete the whole examination in a proper way(Rapiet al. 2021). If pH rate is 4, then R1 value is 900, R2 value is 900, R3 value is 960, R4 value is 900 and R5 value is 900. If pH rate is 5, then R1 value is 960, R2 value is 960, R3 value is 1010, R4 value is 660 and R5 value is 960. If pH rate is 6, then R1 value is 53, R2 value is 52, R3 value is 61, R4 value is 52 and R5 value is 55. If pH rate is 7, ten R1 value is 42, R2 value is 39, R3 value is 36, R4 value is 32 and R5 value is 32.

Evaluate the investigation

  1. Limitations of the experiment: Every reaction has some limitations and here it is the same for the amylase experiment because it belongs in the state buffer, enzyme and substrate and every solution has its own key role to make the different results of the experiment. The process is very slow and the reactive mechanisms are not very strong. So most of the time it cannot give the proper result and the whole examination fails. Sometimes the results of the experiment become much underrated which cannot make the proper solution about the method and the temperature also creates the barrier in this time (TORRES et al. 2022). Depending on the temperature, the results also vary and there cannot be a clear solution of the experiment. Mainly, pH, temperature, different substrate, additives and natural source create the barriers in the time of the experiment because if these can be avoided by fixing some rules then the result must be perfect. The given pH also makes the proper value after getting the reaction of the mechanism.
  2. Improvements of the experiment: For improving the experiment, there must be some methods by which the results are made in a faster way. The mixing of the buffer, enzyme and substrate are the simple way to make the reactions in a faster way because amylase is a catalytic enzyme and if the other reactive enzymes are added with it then the procession formula make very easy and there is no chance of the wrong methods because everything happen due to the special effects of the buffering system (Alsarayreh, R.S. 2021). The natural additives can have the power to make the reaction easy and faster but for this, the exact use of the enzyme is very necessary. Otherwise the process can never make the proper result of the observation and the reading of the pH balance cannot maintain. The pH must be 7 and the temperature is above than 35 which controls the whole researching method because without the good reacting agent of the formula there cannot find any type of changes in this process.


Here the topic is about the experiment of the amylase and recording the pH balance of the enzyme. In the proposal, the discussion parts are relevant and appropriate area of the investigation, working theme and appropriate title of project, developing the proposal planning and investigation plan through rationale, objectives and aims, the theoretical concepts to underpin the theories and concepts, the key strategies of the investigation, the production plan using the resources and time in every stage, selection of the appropriate methodology, ranging the materials and sources from the knowledgeable part, collecting the appropriate data to mention about the aim of the investigation method, carrying the whole method through diligence and care, presenting the proper analyzing form of the data, drawing the context and aim of the whole calculation, describing the limitation of the experimental method and improvement processes of the investigation through proper discussion. These are the main terms of the experiment which are valuable and mainly have to observe the color changing method of the total investigation.



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