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INTRODUCTION: Reflection on Developing a Business Canvas Model for UniFix

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A well build business canvas model aid in streamlining planning, development and execution across business (Joyce and Paquin, 2016). It helps in aligning business objectives and obliterating inconsistencies between the various people who contributes to business activities. In accordance with this context, the following report will be the reflection report on business canvas model build on Unifix by our group. Developing business canvas model is not an easy task as each and every activity and stakeholder associated with it must be aligned appropriately and precisely. The reflection will be on the process of developing the business canvas model and our role within it. In light of the reflection, the steps that will take to ensure a successful outcome will be assessed in this assignment.

Defining UniFix

UniFix is the technology repair service provided to students by students. It is an in-house university programmes that allows for university students to gain work experience whilst on university campus undertaking a degree. The brand will enable opportunity to expand programme to other universities. It helps in creating convenient location for technological repair for students. The business objective of UniFix is to develop a university programme that allows students of university to develop work experience skills through technology repair service to their peers.

Process of developing Business canvas model

As I have stated earlier, developing business canvas model was not an easy task. In order to develop the precise and appropriate business canvas model, we have divided the task according to the group. Value proposition of UniFix was the responsibility of Barbara, making customer relationship and designing customer segments was the duty of Alex, formulating distribution channels was the role done by Kadiye, formulating cost structure and revenue was the duty of Shahan, key partners was identified by Poupouchie, key activities and key resources was identified by Jamil and eventually conclusion was jotted by Barbara. While working in the team, I gained an important lesson of collaboration and team work. Each and every member in the group was coordinating accordingly and precisely which leads to the success of the business canvas model. The Business Canvas model and the role of every member is described below:

Key Partners


Key Activities


Value Propositions


Customer Relationships


Customer Segments


Key Resources




Cost Structure


Revenue Streams


The above figure shows the business canvas model of UniFix and the role of group members to accomplish the activities for developing the model effectively and efficiently. My role was to design the value propositions and jot conclusion of the model. In business canvas model, it is considered as the first step of formulating the model. Unique Value proposition is the promise the brand is giving to its audience and customers. It is important aspect and one had to carefully identified the unique value of the organisation. In this context, I had carried out in-depth study of the subject area and analysed and identified the key value proposition which I have discussed in the Business Canvas Model. The value proposition I have made for UniFix helps in conveying the value of service, explains how the product and service is better than the competition and it also assists in guiding the students of universities about the purpose and objective of the organisation (Burns, 2011). Intrapreneur refers to a manager within a company who promotes innovative product development and marketing. I played the role of value proposition in the current Brand Me project which is different from Intrapreneur skills. If I worked as an Intrapreneur in an organisation with a market culture and rational goal model, it would make a great difference. Working as a manager is difficult task and it is very important for me to frequently coordinate and communicate with my team.

Evaluating skills according to Belbin's Team role

Belbin suggests that, by understanding our role within a particular team, we can develop our strengths and manage our weaknesses as a team member, and so improve how we contribute to the team.

Action oriented: Shaper are those who challenge the team to improve. Belbin classified action oriented into three forms which are shaper, implementer and finisher. In this sector, Kadiye and Poupouchie has been placed. Poupouchie was shaper and Kadiye was finisher and implementer in the project.

People Oriented: Belbin classified people oriented roles into three forms. These are coordinator, team worker and resource investigator. In this area, Jamil and Sahan has been placed. Jamil was the resource investigator and Sahan was team worker and coordinator.

Thinking Oriented: It is classified into three form which are plant, evaluator and specialists. I and Alex has been placed. I was the evaluator and specialists and Alex was the plan and the creative innovator.

The business canvas model was prepared on UniFix, which is the repair shop made specifically for the students of universities where they can make any technological repair. By joining UniFix Programme the university's technological repairs scheme which provides an on-campus service for students. In key partners category of canvas model of UniFix, Poupouchie identified key partners of the brand which were Universities, technological component suppliers. Key partners of the model describes the partners of the business who have direct and indirect contribution towards the growth and development of the business organisation. In key customer category which was the duty of Alex, identified the key customers of UniFix. They were students, staff and members of public.

The key activities and key resources was designed by Jamil, he identified marketing promotion as the key activity and funding, support from key partners and technological components as the key resources. Budget planning was the duty of Shahan . The cost reduces over time with use of economies of scale and income from provision of service. The distribution channel was the duty of Kadiye in which direct distribution of the services and experienced has been explained. In this way, the whole business canvas model for UniFix has been prepared efficiently. Business canvas model helps in planning, allocating and directing the manager or owner of the organisation about the key activities, partners, resources, cost structure, revenue, distribution channels, customer relationship and customer segmentation. This helps the organisation to follow the precise steps through which they can accomplish desired aims and objectives.

As I have stated earlier, developing business canvas model was not an easy task. In order to develop the precise and appropriate business canvas model, we have divided the task according to the group. For creating value, we have considered students, staff and members of the public. Our most important customers are students as the business has been build while considering their needs. For the development of idea business canvas model tool has been used. The tool was helpful as it helps in development of the new business idea which was UniFix. With the help of business canvas model, we were able to accomplish our desired aim and objectives. In this way, the whole business canvas model has been made.

At first, it was difficult for me to decide which activity or category will be covered by whom. The group discussion has been made and many disagreements has been observed in the group (Toro-Jarrín, Ponce-Jaramillo and Güemes-Castorena, 2016). This creates a huge confusion in the group. In order to eliminate the issues, opinions of every team member has been taken and the categorisation of activities has been made by me. Team members were assigned for their roles and duties. The role and duties of team members are as follow: Value proposition of UniFix was the responsibility of Barbara, making customer relationship and designing customer segments was the duty of Alex, formulating distribution channels was the role done by Kadiye, formulating cost structure and revenue was the duty of Shahan, key partners was identified by Poupouchie, key activities and key resources was identified by Jamil and eventually conclusion was jotted by Barbara. Group interaction is the important process in group work. Without proper communication and interaction with the group, it is difficult for me to coordinate appropriately. For designing the project, we conduct group meeting every day to interact with each other and demonstrate the achievements.

With the help of appropriate group interaction and communication I was able to formulate the business canvas model for UniFix effectively and efficiently. It was because the effectiveness in the team work and good coordination, the group project was successfully completed. It implies that in order to accomplish the aims and objectives of the group work, it is very essential and crucial for the team to work collaboratively and efficiently. In order to formulate the model and developed it effectively, group interactions plays crucial role. I with my team made constant communication with each other and show status of progress so that confusion and contradictions can be obliterated. In this way, I was able to accomplish the aim and objective of the business canvas model.

From the above activity, I have gained immense experience regarding working in teams. My role as an evaluator was challenging as I have to monitor team activities and evaluate it so that the effectiveness in the Brand Me project can be enhanced. I have learned how to work, communicate and interact in team which could help in me in my future role as manager. I lack allocation and delegation skills which I will improve through proper practice and team working.

Group interaction

In order to conduct group interaction within people who are working in the business canvas model, all the members of the team were assembled. A meeting was held among team members in order to distribute the work of this model among them. The key roles, responsibility were given to the team members. Some team members were given the responsibility to conduct research about this model so that they would be able to get to know more about this model. However on other side the responsibility was given to the individual to validate the assumptions of the model with the customers in order to get it right. Some members were give the responsibility to develop business plan while some were given the responsibility to identify the key resources, budget, millstone etc in this canvas model. In a team the group discussion was done in order to make the communication within team members effective. The group discussion was conducted once in week in which it was mandatory for all the members to attends that group discussion. In the group the discussion the various things such as the progress of the mode, difficulties that is faced by each team members while working in this canvas model is discussed. Each of the team members is given a chance to represent their view point in the group discussion. The issues that is been faced by them in their department is being sorted out in the group discussion that is taking place in the meeting.

I think in the group interaction attention was paid to make the coordination among team members effective. The reason why this group discussion was held once in a week was that to develop trust and coordination among team members. The importance of time-management was also explained to the tea members during this group interaction. In any work time plays an essential role and within that time the work that is given need to be completed. I think the team members will get to know more about each other in the group discussion that is held once in a week and more coordination will be there among them while working towards this model. In case if any dispute was found among team members regarding their viewpoint then the special meeting was held in order to sort out their differences. The aim of this group interaction was to make sure that as team the group members are working in this model. The e-mails were also used in order to communicate with group members. To the individuals the e-mail was sent to find out the progress of the work in which they are working. The presentation was also given in order to develop proper understand of this model among team members. I think in the group interaction initially the issue was faced as all the team members were not knowing each other and their way of thinking was also not same .So, it was difficult to mange them during initial stage. But slowly when they get to understanding each other and the way of working in the group discussion .So, the group discussion, presentation, e-mail were the ways that were use din order to make communication among team members effective.

Successful outcomes

I think the meeting, presentation need to be held once in week among team members in order to achieve the successful outcomes. All the dispute or any sort of misunderstanding that is taking place within team members need to be sorted so that there is no negative impact is there on the work. I think that in a group discussion that is taking place each of the team members need to be given chance to present their idea or view point or any of the issue that is bee faced by them while working in this model. The viewpoint or problem that is faced by the each members need to be sorted in these group discussion or meetings .This will have a positive impact on the team members and there involvement in their work will be more. The motivation and encouragement need to be given to the team members for their good work as they will feel that their work is being appreciated. All these ways can help to achieve successful result.


Thus summing up the above report it can be concluded that business canvas model is a toll which can be used to develop and analyse the business models. In the customer segment comes the customer and users that will be served by this business model. The value that is being offered by this model will come in value proposition. The resources that will be used in the model will comes in the key resources. The group discussion will be taking place among team members in order to explain them their key roes and responsibility in this model. Assignment Help provided by New Assignment Help


Books and Journals

Burns, P. 2011. Entrepreneurship and small business. Basingstoke: Palgrave


Joyce, A. and Paquin, R.L., 2016. The triple layered business model canvas: A tool to design more sustainable business models.  Journal of Cleaner Production,  135, pp.1474-1486.

Toro-Jarrín, M.A., Ponce-Jaramillo, I.E. and Güemes-Castorena, D., 2016. Methodology for the of building process integration of Business Model Canvas and Technological Roadmap.  Technological Forecasting and Social Change,  110, pp.213-225.

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