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Prepare Detailed Design Of Civil Steel Structures Assignment Sample

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Assessment Task 2 – Project

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Doing the total number factored stress and strain-based calculation:

“M = (1.2G + 1.5Q) * x L/2/8 = (40 w / mk) x (10 m)/2/8 = 500 kN”

Determine the requisite section modulus:

Sreq = M/fy = 5000.00 Nmm/300 MPa =1666.67 cm3

Choose a recommended section with just a section modulus that's equal to or greater than the specified section value by consulting the tables of area modulus for UB tubes in Grading 300 steel.

The tables show that the segment stiffness of such a “UB 530 x 212 x 104” gram is 1700 cm3, even though it is higher than the necessary section value of 1666.67 cm3. A “UB 533 x 211 x 101” kg/m is a viable section as a result.

“M = (1.2G + 1.5Q) x L^2 / 8 = (40 kN/m) x (10 m) ^2 / 8 = 500 kNm”

Determine the required moment capacity based on the selected section and its plastic section modulus:

Recommended sizing of components

Grids and horizontal force application on the steel structure and bracing parts.

Recommended concrete strength

For a multitude of factors, designers must have a superior ability to listen while accepting the views of stakeholders. First of all, stakeholders frequently offer noticeable viewpoints and insights into risks that could potentially directly or indirectly affect the design processes and improve the end result (Tan et al. 2020). Designers may better comply with the requirements and goals set by stakeholders by taking into consideration their comments and factoring it into their designs.

Recommended reinforcement sizing and location

The main purpose of steel-based universal beams is to withstand the huge loads of the structures. Thus, the steel strength mainly in I beams could also assist in the reduction of the required other various support type structures that would help mainly in it saving particularly in construction. A PUP normally contains data about the location of plumbing, pumping stations, treatment facilities, kilograms, valves, structures, and other equipment required for the utility system to operate properly (Otrosh et al. 2019).


The dead loads generally consist of the various forms of permanently based construction type materials of loads, consisting of roof, different floors as well as walls or the foundation-based system that comprises various cladding, their material finishes with multiple fixed based types of equipment.

Sign Gantry

Sign Gantry

Figure 1: Sign Gantry

(Source: Acquired from AutoCAD)

The following design is created considering the sign gantry that will be erected over a freeway. Performance comparison This entails conducting tests on the appliance or object testing to make sure that sometimes it executes its intended functions reliably and accurately under both probable future or rather unforeseen maintenance situations (Hosseini et al. 2019).

Risk assessment

Steps in the risk assessment

  • Define some problem
  • Conducting through research
  • Brainstorming and then conceptualizing
  • Preparing a prototype
  • Selection and finalize
  • Product based analysis
  • Improvement

First off, an evaluation of design that is wider and more in-depth may be supplied by an eclectic mix of knowledge and skills. Each member of the panel can contribute its distinctive viewpoints and knowledge to find any anomalies or hazards that others might have overlooked.

Second, having different kinds of expertise can help these individuals come together to interact effectively (Sajid et al. 2020). Everyone in the group may provide a rating of the design according to their own area of expertise, enabling an expanded and informed conversation. Smarter decision-making and solving problems all throughout the scrutiny process could arise from this.

Health, safety and environmental requirements

The protocol of realizing that a system or product coordinates as intended and complies with the health and safety factors is understood as design validation. Making it important to ensure that the designer meets the requirements and expectations of stakeholders and internal users is a significant process in the design process.

Manufacturing and service often entail testing the system or device beneath varying circumstances to make sure it meets environmental requirements and aesthetic criteria. Only a few actions, such as the following, may always be part of this testing:

Contribution to ancillary documentation

When the concrete of rolling beam or tray girder bridges needs extra elasticity or lateral advance to resist the forces acting on both the building, such as winds, horizontal loads, or bending forces first from moving loads, bracings are necessary. The danger of the beams or reinforced concrete buckling or bending is also decreased by the installation of bracings.

Document-based management would often be regarded as the document and management-based system such as DMS by which the system would use and play the various software for different utilization of storage to manage as well as tracking of the various electronic-based documents or images by the scanners.

The precise procedures for load carrying in rolling beam or plate concrete block bridges rely on a number of variables, among which are the span length, the size and form of the beam or girder, maximum fatigue limit, the subject matter chosen, and the location and planned usage of bridges. Normally, the systems analyst will decide if bracing is necessary for accordance with the specific design brief and load circumstances (Lucherini and Maluk, 2019).

Assessment Task 3 – Project


Suppose the bridge is located in a rural location and is 50 metres long and 6 metres wide. The bridge will largely be utilised by tractors and harvesters, along with sporadic passenger traffic.


The bridge must be constructed to handle both live and dead loads. Live loads are the weight of the vehicles and pedestrians using the bridge, whereas dead loads are the weight of the bridge itself. Assume for the purposes of this example that the bridge has a dead load of 100 kN/m and a live load of 20 kN/m.

Shear forces and bending moments:

The maximum shear force and bending moment that the bridge will experience can be calculated based on the loads. For this example, the maximum shear force is 300 kN and the maximum bending moment is 600 kN-m.


Based on the maximum shear force and bending moment, the maximum stresses that the bridge will experience can be calculated. For this example, the maximum allowable stress for the bridge is 250 MPa. The maximum stress is 150 MPa, which is well within the allowable limit.

Construction materials and services quantities:

Based on the design calculations, the quantity of steel required for the construction of the bridge can be determined. Assuming that the bridge will be constructed using steel I-beams with a depth of 600 mm and a width of 200 mm. The total quantity of steel required for the bridge is approximately 23 tons.

Labour and equipment cost $500 per ton, whereas the price of steel is $1,000 per tonne. A total projected cost of $34,500 will be incurred for the bridge's construction because the cost of the materials is roughly $23,000, and the cost of labour and equipment is roughly $11,500.

Recommended sizing of components

In order to make sure that a steel bridge in Victoria can sustain the loads it will be subjected to, great consideration must be given to the component sizes. The maximum loads and strains that the bridge will endure must be taken into account when sizing components like steel beams, plates, and bolts.

Similar to this, the maximum loads and stresses that steel plates may experience must be taken into account when determining their size. To resist the applied forces without buckling or deforming, the plates' thickness must be sufficient. The choice of plate thickness will be influenced by the loads, bridge span, and permitted stress limit.

Recommended concrete strength

The suggested concrete strength in the design of a concrete structure, including bridges, will rely on a number of elements, including the projected loads, the span of the structure, and the kind of reinforcing being utilized. Compressive strength, or the greatest load that concrete can support before failing, is often used to express the recommended concrete strength.

Recommended reinforcement sizing and location

A concrete bridge's structural integrity and durability are significantly influenced by the position and size of the reinforcement used in the design. To increase the concrete's tensile strength and improve its load-bearing ability as well as resistance to cracking and other types of damage, reinforcement steel is employed.


Design verification is the process of evaluating and testing a system or goods to make sure it complies with the requirements and guidelines defined during the design phase. This entails confirming that the structure works as intended, remains secure, and is honest, or complies with all pertinent standards and laws (Pourreza et al. 2021).



Figure 2: Bridge

(Source: Acquired from AutoCAD)

The following image is the design of the bridge that is crated based on the task 3 given scenario. The civil steel structures are considered for the design of the following bridge.

Risk assessment

In Victoria, a risk assessment is a crucial component of bridge design and construction. The assessment should take into account a number of things, such as the site's current conditions, how the design will be used, how easily the finished works can be maintained, and the requirements for health, safety, and the environment.

To detect any potential risks or hazards that could affect the bridge's construction and functionality, the site's current conditions must be carefully assessed. For instance, the evaluation ought to take into account the geological conditions, soil stability, flood and stormwater management, and any other pertinent elements that can affect the bridge's construction and long-term performance.

The assessment should take into account the number of inspections each year, the kind of equipment needed for upkeep and repair, and the accessibility of replacement parts and supplies.

The criteria for environmental protection, health, and safety must also be taken into account. This entails assessing the potential effects of bridge construction and operation on the environment, as well as worker and public safety.

Contribution to ancillary documentation

The development of auxiliary paperwork is necessary for the planning and execution of a bridge in Victoria. The paperwork could include additions to the specifications, design comments, construction notes, and supplemental drawings.

Design notes serve as a record of the choices taken about the design of the project. They provide an explanation of the several design possibilities taken into consideration, the calculations made to choose the final design, and any presumptions or restrictions related to the design. Any modifications to the design made during the construction phase are also noted in the design notes.


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  • Lucherini, A. and Maluk, C., 2019. Intumescent coatings used for the fire-safe design of steel structures: A review. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 162, p.105712.
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  • Pourreza, F., Mousazadeh, M. and Basim, M.C., 2021. An efficient method for incorporating modelling uncertainties into collapse fragility of steel structures. Structural Safety, 88, p.102009.
  • Sajid, H.U., Naik, D.L. and Kiran, R., 2020. Microstructure–mechanical property relationships for post-fire structural steels. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 32(6), p.04020133.
  • Tan, T., Lu, W., Tan, G., Xue, F., Chen, K., Xu, J., Wang, J. and Gao, S., 2020. Construction-oriented design for manufacture and assembly guidelines. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 146(8), p.04020085.
  • Yang, L., Cheng, J.C. and Wang, Q., 2020. Semi-automated generation of parametric BIM for steel structures based on terrestrial laser scanning data. Automation in Construction, 112, p.103037.
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