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Online Learning And Practical Skills Of New Graduate Nurses Assignment Sample

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Online Learning And Practical Skills Of New Graduate Nurses

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Healthcare professionals and their daily exposure to different elements impact their practical skills. Management of quality performance is mandatory for professionals involved in health care services. Hence the basic learning procedures are also effective for performance management. While developing skills, practical knowledge and daily practices are considered mandatory. It helps to enhance their skills and knowledge regarding the practical application of learned information. On the other hand, considering different unavoidable situations, such as covid-19, the online learning approach has been increased in nursing practices as well. Hence the usefulness of online learning in developing practical skills of nursing professionals is under consideration. While considering the overall development of skills during this period, the living status and quality of life are also needed to be examined for the purpose. This includes socioeconomic status, employment status and residence location of the nursing employees. The living quality impacts the overall mental and physical burnout of nurses, which increases burnout levels, stress and burden. Hence learning can also be affected by certain lifestyle factors that impact performance levels as well. Hence along with learning patterns and approaches, lifestyle factors are also needed to be considered for analysing practical skills and performance quality of nursing students.


Online learning is considered a new approach to studying in the digital era, especially after the covid-19 pandemic situation. The new innovative technologies increased the availability of quality learning resources. There are certainly positive aspects of online learning, such as the increased availability of learning resources in form of e-books and online journals that can be shared easily using online apps (McCutcheon & Lohan, 2018). Also the flexibility of learning has also increased, as students can reach professors and fellow classmates at their convenience. On the other hand, learning practical skills are considered mandatory in medical professions and create a greater influence on performance. Hence online learning may negatively impact learning the clinical skills of nursing students (McGilton et al. 2020). Online learning method is comparatively new, and hence adaptation can be overwhelming for students and professors as well. The learning quality can be influenced by lifestyle quality, such as social and economical conditions. Affordability is a major factor, as new and innovative learning technologies can be out of reach for certain students. Also, as internet connections are necessary for e-learning, residence location is also mandatory to consider (Ulenaers et al. 2021). The burnout and mental stress of nursing students during clinical practices are also needed to be considered as they impact their learning ability. Employment conditions, working hours and availability of professional nursing staff are also effective factors for understanding the burnout level and learning ability of nursing students.

Research aim

The major aim of this research includes analysing the impact of the online learning approach on nursing students to improve their performance quality, as practical skills are considered an effective factor for performance management in the healthcare sector. Also, lifestyle quality is also aimed to discuss in terms of socioeconomic status, employment status and residence location to understand its impact on acquiring practical skills.

Aim and Purpose

This research aims to explore the experience of new graduate nurses with online learning and examine whether e-learning is helpful or challenging to achieve the best clinical skills. In the research question PICO terms were chosen as [P (population) = new graduate nurses, I (interventions)= online learning, C(comparison)= offline learning, O(Outcomes)= Practical skills].

Research questions

RQ1: How does online learning impact the practical skills among new graduate nurses as compared to face-to-face learning?

RQ2: How does socio-economic status, residence location and employment status influence the practical skills of graduate nurses?


In the digital era, the e-learning process has been considered efficient on the basis of increased flexibility, availability, and quality of learning. While discussing the impact of e-learning on the medical field, practical skill development is needed to be considered. Practical skills are considered to be an effective aspect for increasing clinical efficiency and the performance quality of patients (Lim & Yi, 2021). E-learning can be considered effective for improving knowledge, though its effectiveness in practical skill development is not confirmed yet. A direct approach in terms of clinical skill acquisition has been used previously. With increased utilisation of online learning methods and technologies, such as video learning, direct streaming process and web conferencing methods, the efficiency can also be increased. Direct observation and treatment procedure for nurses is also mandatory (Nabolsi et al. 2021). On the other hand, lifestyle factors are also needed to be considered while evaluating the effectiveness of the e-learning process. The new technologies and their availability are not equal for students of different origins. Hence the socioeconomic background is mandatory for considering the e-learning efficiency in learning practical skills.

The e-learning process is a comparatively newer approach for both students and professors. Hence the relatable skills, knowledge and resources mandatory for adaptation to a new learning process are needed to be considered for the process. Affordability may be impacted by socioeconomic status, while availability may impact by location (Mak et al. 2018). High-speed internet connections are considered mandatory for the process, and hence the location of students is a major factor. In unavoidable conditions, such as during lockdowns during a covid-19 pandemic, adaptation to the e-learning method is considered mandatory to continue academic learning. The nursing staff needed to use the e-learning process to develop theoretical as well as practical skills. In post covid- era, e-learning is also considered an effective process on the basis of new learning applications and improved quality of learning (Nikpeyma et al. 2021). Blended learning programs are also considered effective for improving learning quality. Hence the impact of e-learning on practical knowledge and clinical skill requirement is needed to be discussed and analysed.

Literature review

Impact of e-learning on developing practical skills

The online education platform utilisation for education purposes is one of the major features of digital innovation. The disruption of the global education system during covid-19 pandemic has been managed through e-learning procedures. As suggested by Kunaviktikul et al. (2022), the availability and quality and learning have increased due to the increased rate of feedback from the professors. The new technologies and online platform for learning have enabled the learning factors and their management for the process. The relationship between students and teachers has also been reported to improve, which has increased learning efficiency. This can also be emphasised on the basis of learning and development of practical skills as well. In addition, as suggested by McDonald et al. (2018), self-evaluation and critical understanding of the students regarding practical approaches have been improved. Self-study and analysis of clinical methods such as diagnosis and treatment precautions include detailed theoretical approaches that can be described vividly with the proper online reference use. As per the research, mobile technologies enable the development and sharing of online learning materials easily, which can be referred to for the study purpose.

There are certain barriers and negative impacts of e-learning also observed. This includes the overwhelming reaction of the students considering numerous learning resources and their management. The increased screen time expenditure may also impact the learning motivation and efficiency of students, which is an important aspect of developing clinical skills (Terry et al. 2018). The major barrier can be observed while developing the patient-oriented treatment procedures for the process. A critical observation of the patient's condition is needed to develop certain treatment skills. While online observation, high-quality internet access is mandatory, this helps to enable the web conferencing system. A lack of information on innovative technology can also be a major barrier to proper access to e-learning facilities. Adaptation to new technologies can be developed for the process, which is mandatory for the proper utilisation of the facilities and options of e-learning technologies.

Impact of lifestyle quality and living status on developing practical skills

The effectiveness of e-learning is also affected by the lifestyle factors of the students. One of the major aspects includes the socioeconomic status of students. This impacts the affordability of new and advanced technologies, high internet connections and technological literacy. High expenses of technological devices, such as mobiles and laptops, increase learning expenses, which cannot be affordable for students from lower economic status. Lack of technological literacy leads to decrease motivation for students as they need to learn the technological skills for proper management of the e-learning platforms. On the other hand, the location of students is also a major factor. As students in medical professional courses travel far from home for advanced learning opportunities, they need to head back home during the lockdown. The socio-cultural aspects of learning and information access can also be a major factor (McGilton et al. 2020). This increases the danger of spending a larger amount of time accessing different attractive sites, reducing student efficacy. Also, increased onscreen duration leads to reduce the communication skills of nursing students are mandatory for the purpose.

While considering the employment status of nursing students for evaluating their learning skills, their burnout and working stress are needed to be discussed. As suggested by Ruiz-Fernández et al. (2020), the mental conditions of students play a major role in developing clinical skills, such as fatigue, burnout, anxiety and working satisfaction. The availability of trained nursing staff is lower as compared to demand, and hence students and interns need to spend a larger duration in patient management. The information and high working hour make them exhausted and overwhelmed, which may impact their sleeping pattern and lifestyle quality.

Research Methodology

Research approach

This research mainly aims the developing knowledge and information regarding the effectiveness of online studies. A research approach will be utilised for this process involving a deductive aspect, as it involves the collection of information and theoretical approaches for the positive effects of e-learning. Clinical skill development can be difficult through this process, and hence the barriers and challenges will be discussed during the process. Based on the information and knowledge, theories regarding the effectiveness and utilisation of the overall process are needed to be developed (Woiceshyn & Daellenbach, 2018). As per research objectives, a detailed analysis of different online learning platforms like CINHAL Complete and MEDLINE and their features will be discussed to understand their utility in developing clinical practice skills for nursing students.

Research population

In order to develop this study, a particular population will be needed to select for information collection. In this, a random sampling method will be sued for selecting the research participants. Mainly nursing students pursuing internships from different medical universities in Australia are aimed to be selected for this purpose. A total of 9 nursing based journals were selected for CASP analysis. The articles will be selected on the basis of keywords, as this increases the variability on the basis of background and socioeconomic background. The internship students are selected as they involve higher practical approaches and clinical practices. On the other hand, differences in the background will help to analyse the impact of socio-cultural and economic background on the e-learning process.

Data collection method and tools

The data collection method will be used for this process includes the secondary method. Secondary method helps to increase the efficiency of research on the basis of design and data collection process. The secondary research method provides the opportunity to conduct the study as per the aim and in order to answer the research questions. In this case the selected 9 articles will be analysed with the help of CASP tool. This will help to enlighten the impact of online study in a descriptive way. Both positive and negative aspects of e-learning platforms, procedures and their effectiveness in developing clinical studies can be developed through this process (Islam & Aldaihani, 2022). The analysis will be done on the basis of CASP questions and a score will be generated for each selected article.

Data analysis

While the data analysis method, the qualitative process can be effective. This process is effective for descriptive approaches, as aligning the collected information with previous research and studies is occurred in this process. It will help increase the quality of research findings and analysis process. The secondary data collection also involves theories and views of previous authors and studies, which are mandatory for discussing both positive and negative aspects of e-learning factors for developing clinical skills. Analysing the data is an important factor in considering the effectiveness of e-learning for practical skill development, which may contribute to future academic processes.

Ethical considerations

Acknowledgement and registration for studies will be necessary under certain universities for conducting the primary research process. While maintaining ethical considerations, confidentiality maintenance is also mandatory for the purpose, in terms of identifying and personal information of research participants. Also, the information and data that will be used for conducting this research will be reserved according to the General Data Protection Act 2018.

Time line

Reference list

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