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Investigating The Social World, Investigating Home Assignment Answer

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Introduction: Investigating The Social World, Investigating Home Assignment Sample

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Inequality in housing is the result of variance between the quality of homes of people living in a society (Ballance and et. al., 2015). There are various constitutions that ensures right to housing however, it should be recognised that the difference between the economy, powers, cultural aspects etc. influence the development of such inequality. There are two major aspects that can be utilised to study the relationship between the home and inequality and they are geographical and political science. They both comprises those tools which are highly helpful in studying the relationship between home and inequality.


Investigation of social world has a major topic to be covered for getting effective outcomes and it is examination of homes. There are varied societies where housing inequalities are existing on a severe level. It is thus essential to consider this element in the investigation of social world. However, it should be noted that for this study of relationship, effective sources will be required. In this order, there are two crucial elements that can be relied over for achieving the reliable outcome and they are geographers and political scientist (Head, Lloyd-Ellis and Stacey, 2017). They both are highly linked with the data that can be used to analyse the relationship between housing and inequality.

In context to geography, there includes three well developed set of perspectives. Firstly, there exists three lenses through which geography looks at the relationship between home and inequality and they are space, place and scale (Shanahan and et. al., 2014). All of them are essential in the study of the housing inequality state. Further, the domains of synthesis of geography like human societal dynamics, environmental/societal dynamics and environmental dynamics assist in the findings. However, it should be recognised that the most effective tool rendered by geography to study the relationship between home and inequality is spatial representation by making use of varied approaches such as visual, verbal, mathematical, digital and cognitive. The biggest tool of geographers is the mapping of space and place. Maps are effective means of capturing space along with describing boundaries of the place. There are antithetic senses that can be developed by these maps such as distance of places, topography, landscape, etc. The space can be represented as the impact of globalisation by making use of different images and other maps showing interconnections of people, money, technology, ideas that moves throughout the world, etc. (Sorenson and Dahl, 2016). Ryan, (1996) argued that the maps are effective representation of the things more than just territory or topography. It has been further added that the construction of maps is based on the culture and mindset of the cartographer.

However, there are some limitations in this type of observation. There exist various instances where mappers have paid more attention to their perspectives rather than actuality. Also, the reports of Dahlgren and Whitehead, (2017) are very useful in this context as they draw attention towards the thing that how a particular place can be understood in varied ways. This further develops vague situations in developing relationship between home and inequality. This will moreover affect by the fact that places can remain unsettled and contested. Ballance and et. al., (2015) stated that the space and places of cities can be studied effectively without any mentioned limitations by making use of the pictures taken from height. It can be thus stated that, these bird-view pictures assist in analysing the real story of housing. It further helps in developing a sense of place, a sense of home by continual daily movements which later assist in generating relationship.

In context to analyse the economic factors that gives rise to inequality in housing, maps can be prepared by gathering data of annual income of every nation. The other aspect of geography is associated with the mobility. It has been observed that there are various families that have moved to different places (Head, Lloyd-Ellis and Stacey, 2017). For instance, in 20th century the second world war has influenced a lot of people to shift from periphery to centre which has declined their housing size and shape of boundaries captured in images. Also, it can be expressed that the new forms of business having increased level of globalisation has increased the number of mobile homes.

On the other hand, political scientists also use a variety of tools to assist in studying the relationship between home and inequality (McGinnity and et. al., 2017). According to the perceptions of these researchers, nations and states plays a key role in developing a sense of belonging either emotionally or legally. The major factor that is settled by the political scientist in developing relationship between the home and inequalities in nation is distinct recognition of people. This distinction is promoted on the basis of ethnicity, culture, linguistic, historical links and connections to the place, etc. Also, there will be some people who will not be recognised in any group as per the mentioned categories. These people are categorised on the basis of antithetic symbols for their recognition. The practices of inequality are later promoted by keeping these symbols as base (Head, Lloyd-Ellis and Stacey, 2017).

Gellner (1983) has stated that the nationalism raises from the need of modern societies that demands to be culturally homogeneous. Earlier, the societies used to be hierarchical tolerating a high degree of variation based on linguistic and ethnic diversity. However, the modern societies are drafted as more mobile and homogeneous. Hobsbawn (1983) has also supported that the nationalism raised during the modern era prescribable from 1789. In addition to this, Billing, (1995) has explained that the symbols and practices of nations plays a major role in the home and political significance of these choices. They are based on the matter of personal and collected identities. For instance: The post-box that represents the legal authority of the British state has a sign either of crown or Royal cypher of the head of state.

There are various instances that emphasises on how use of different symbol plays a major role in recognising a particular nationalism while denying others. These symbols are further considered as a root cause of conflicts within states and between different nationalisms. State is regarded as a significant institutional and political incarnation of home, selecting symbols, setting practices and framing policies. These actions of state define the inclusion and exclusion terms for individuals and groups (McGinnity and et. al., 2017). These activities further make states as the sites of conflict between varied groups claiming the state to be their homeland. Images, rituals, cultural programmes, etc. are also considered by the political scientist in studying the relationship between home and inequality. It has been observed that information on each and every individual highlighting the major distinctions points are gathered by these researchers for accomplishing their work of finding relationship (World Economic Forum, 20170. These scientists also take assistance from liberal and realistic approaches to analyse the working procedure of international system. It can be stated that a detailed research work is carried by them so that effective results can be drawn. Further, political scientists are authorised to access the government records that will be entailed in preparing a complete report. All the data associated with the culture, background, etc. can be accessed by these researchers. By gathering this information, relationship between housing and


From the present report, it can be concluded that home and inequality is a bigger issue that needs to be considered. It has been analysed form the undertaken work that it is essential to study the relationship between the mentioned elements to implement any program. This report has shed lights on the perspectives of geography and political scientists on the relationship between home and inequality. Also, various factors that leads to inequality in housing are mentioned while analysing the perspectives of geographers and political scientists.



Feedback of tutors on last two projects have highly helped in preparing the final draft on the study of home and inequality. Based on the comments of tutor, I have in-texted more References to support the statements with strong evidences. Further, I have paid special attention on the structure of the essay. It should be further noted that based on the feedback comments I have compared and contrasted viewpoints of two different aspects on the topic. Also, reliable data sources are chosen for gathering information. In addition to this, I have included the key findings from both the materials of Week 9 and Week 10. Each and every area was provided with the required attention as stated by tutor.


Books and Journals

Ballance, C. J. and et. al., 2015. Hybrid quantum logic and a test of Bell's inequality using two different atomic isotopes. Nature. 528(7582). pp. 384.

Dahlgren, D. and Whitehead, M., 2017. European Strategies for tackling social inequalities in health: levelling up part 2. Health.

Head, A., Lloyd-Ellis, H. and Stacey, D., 2017. Inequality, Frictional Assignment and Home Ownership. mimeo.

McGinnity, F. and et. al., 2017. Social inequality in cognitive outcomes in Ireland: what is the role of the home-learning environment and childcare?. Childcare, Early Education and Social Inequality: An International Perspective pp.109.

Shanahan, D. F. and et. al., 2014. Socio-economic inequalities in access to nature on public and private lands: a case study from Brisbane, Australia. Landscape and Urban Planning. 130, pp.14-23.

Sorenson, O. and Dahl, M. S., 2016. Geography, joint choices, and the reproduction of gender inequality. American Sociological Review. 81(5). pp.900-920.

Gellner, E. (1983) Nations and Nationalism, Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press.

 Hobsbawm, E. (1983) The Invention of Tradition, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Billig, M. (1995) Banal Nationalism, London, Sage

Ryan, S. (1996) The Cartographic Eye: How Explorers Saw Australia, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.


World Economic Forum, 2017. The inequality we are not talking about. [Online]. Available through: <>

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