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EDU10003 Assignment 2 Template

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EDU10003 Assignment 2 Template

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Part 1: Investigate the connection between mathematics and numeracy (approx. 300 words)

Written in paragraphs using 3rd person. Try to use relevant research literature to support your discussion.

The science and study of quality, structure, space, and change in mathematics. Gordon & Hom,( 2021). Its evolution has required an increasing degree of idealization and abstraction of its subject matter. It focuses on logical reasoning and quantitative computation and is used as an essential tool for day-to-day life. It is actually "the science that draws necessary conclusions" (Benjamin Peirce). The primary divisions of mathematics are algebra, which deals with the manipulation of numbers, and geometry, which focuses on the study of shapes. The third is statistics and probability. Every civilized community has been at the forefront of mathematical discoveries since the earliest days of documented history, and mathematics has been employed by even the oldest and most basic societies. Gordon & Hom,(2021). The study of algorithms is a part of discrete mathematics, which serves as the mathematical language of computer science.

Numeracy is the ability to understand fundamental mathematics and be confident enough to use it in real-life contexts. Healthy habits, financial literacy, and career decisions are all impacted by numeracy. Learning how math is applied in real-world situations and knowing the skills to use that knowledge to gain an advantage is known as numeracy. As much as it involves "doing sums," it additionally entails thinking and reasoning. Steen, L. A.,1(990). It entails being capable of analyzing numbers, information, graphs, and pictures; resolving issues; verifying responses; comprehending; outlining remedies; and considering reason when making judgments.

In terms of our daily lives, numeracy, and mathematics are both necessary and go hand in hand. For example, in the stock market, people use the mathematical concepts of statistics and probability while trading .Over time, honeybees have mastered the capacity to build complex hexagonal honeycomb cells. The hexagonal cells serve as incubators for growing bees as well as holding receptacles for honey. When building a honeycomb, bees must be careful not to waste more resources (wax) or energy (honey) than necessary. They have to utilize the least amount of wax possible to construct a comb that can retain the most honey. The snowflake in nature serves as an example of fractal geometry and hexagonal symmetry.. Sellars, M. (2018).

Mathematics is a theoretical explanation, whereas numeracy is the practical application of math in the real world. The importance of connection is helping people learn to cope with

the quantitative demands of modern society and generating ideas, problem-solving skills, and critical judgment. Create good citizens, develop cognitive ideas, and also appreciate how the imaginative and effective use of technological capabilities can enhance the development of concepts. Because of this theoretical approach and practical application, it helps to realize that achieving independence takes knowledge of finances, expertise in managing money, the skill of time management, in forecasting weather abilities and GDP of the country, etc.

Part 2: Personal Reflection(approx. 300 words)

Written in paragraphs using 1st person. Research literature is not expected but can be included to support your ideas if appropriate.

When we can link ideas to one another and use them constructively to accomplish goals, learning mathematical concepts makes sense. So I am using Gibbs's reflective cycle to evaluate and explore myself as well as to think logically.

Description: To boost one's confidence, employment, and development oneself as well as society, it is necessary to learn mathematics at home and school. Mathematics and numeracy go hand in hand, so students must be able to foresee, look for straightforward formulae, and demonstrate their aptitude for solving mathematical problems.

Feelings: Before knowing about the mathematics resources and course materials I was unsatisfied with my performance. Even I cannot do a calculation on discounted prices while doing shopping for grocery items buying. or groceries. Unable to perform percentages, ratios and proportions, statistics, money management, or financial transactions. Not confident to understand the basic concept, feeling anxiety about learning mathematics not getting interested, and having to memorize all formulas.

Evaluation: This course not only helped me to develop analytical, logical, and critical thinking but also enhanced my problem-solving skills and practical application, which also helped me learn other subjects like physics. Break down the concept of a hard and boring subject. Lowrie, & Diezmann.,(2009)

Analysis: It is to be analyzed that having a solid grasp of both mathematics and numeracy enables one to delve thoroughly into anything and to identify exact points of dependency on potential issues. I investigate it by utilizing ICT as a tool to carry out computations, create graphs, and assist in problem-solving. It helps in changing teaching methods, student self-learning, and creating interest.

Conclusion: For the adaptation of skill, you provided the proper training to me, which helped me to know that studying mathematics is worthwhile and that there are benefits to numeracy. It helps with getting confident, and motivated, and increasing cognitive development.

Action plans:

  • To use mathematics and numeracy for the development of personal as well as society.
  • To improve learning by ICT.
  • Create interconnections between disciplines to fill the gaps between subjects.
  • Recognize that numeracy is about more than just numbers; it's also about seeing patterns and making sense of data.
  • Have specific teaching objectives that cover numeracy.



Reason for the action

Key learnings

Ways of learning

Measurement process



I want to enroll in more courses that include mathematical software, such as bar graphs.

I would like to increase my career prospects by developing my time management skills and my technology knowledge.

I now comprehend the educational technology program, but I am already familiar with professional academic research software.

Learn Software applications such as Geo Gebra, spreadsheet, and Math Mechanixs.

To establish myself in a reputable firm, I am now focusing on what will serve as the yardstick by which my proficiency is evaluated

1 year

Part 3: Individualised Learning Plan(approx. 150 words)

1st person is appropriate. It’s best to use bullet points or short sentences to help organise your ideas.

Assignment 1A

A1A Result (/30)

Time Taken


  • I have strong number sense, whole-number addition, and algebra.
  • utilizes math principles in practical settings.
  • Can do mental math as well as solve puzzles.
  • Basic calculations like multiplication and subtraction, etc.
  • By solving the solution after knowing the formula

Areas for Improvement

· Statistics and probability

· measurements

· Unit conversion

· Multistep calculation

· Working with decimal fractions and geometry.

· Trouble in understanding how variations in perimeter, area, surface area, or volume occur..


While solving the quiz, I realized that I could not correlate the particular formula with which the problem would be solved. Although I am familiar with statistical calculations, I am having difficulty converting between units and finding the mean and mode from a table. Adding fractions with the denominator and solving fractions with decimals Analyzing complex information in a table or chart to conclude what the data say Unable to draw a solution from a percentage of a percentage.

Assignment 1B

Areas to

Focus On:

1. percentage

2. ratio and proportions

3. areas

4. statistics

5. unit conversion

Assignment 1B SMART Goal

Weekly Plan








Week 4

Understanding how to make addition

In order to calculate the sum of two numbers

6 months

Textbooks, website


Week 5

Learning about unit conversions

For converting the same quantity into two or more distinct units,


Youtube videos ,books


Week 6

Understanding the central tendency of statistics

To analyze the mean, median, and mode from table

8 months

ICT, textbook,videos,website


Week 7

Understanding the difference between circumference, perimeter.

To find out the area of geometrical shapes

9 months

Youtube videos,textbook,reference book


Week 8

Learning about percentage

To calculate selling price, market price, discount

10 weeks

Books, website


Week 9

Understanding the algebraic equation, graph ,chart by ICT

In order to learn basic calculation and present the data in visual manner

7 months



Week 10

Plan some time to complete Assignment 1B.

Monitor progress

An important part of goal setting is to ensure you monitor your progress as you go. This will help you work towards your goal by seeing if you are improving. There are many ways to do this. You might like to reflect on your study / complete a set test / complete review questions /re-attempt questions on Assignment 1A that you got wrong. You might do this each week as you go, or perhaps just at intervals, e.g.2 or 3 times during the 6 week study period.


  • Gordon, J. and Hom, E.J. (2021) What is Mathematics?, LiveScience. Purch. Available at: (Accessed: April 17, 2023).
  • Lowrie, T., & Diezmann, C. M. (2009). National numeracy tests: A graphic tells a thousand words. Australian Journal of Education, 53(2), 141-158.
  • Sellars, M. (2018). Mathematics and numeracy in a global society. Numeracy in Authentic Contexts: Making Meaning Across the Curriculum, 5-21.
  • Steen, L. A. (1990). Numeracy. Daedalus, 211-231.
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