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Developing Teaching In Education And Training Assignment Sample

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Introduction - Developing Teaching In Education And Training Assignment

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The assessment of the training and learning is essential for the attainment as it helps in making the educators aware about the education requirement and understanding. It is vital for the factor to develop a necessary importance of the education system to the audience and learner to provide the development in workspace. The report will provide theirinformation of teaching and learning assessment in the education sector.


1.1 Pedagogical principle of Specialism

Motivational: Teacher needs to have the ability to motivate the students and the learner in the specialism. So that they canprovide better motivation and increase the interest of learners about the course to develop knowledge.

Teacher as manager: Physical education teacher needs to work as a manager to the students and athletes to develop better performance in their learning and training. They need to develop the strategy and managing their routines to provide better learning in specialism for the learners.

Learner’s need: One of the major principles is that what the learner’s interest and needs are. It is essential for the learner to make sure that they are working on the necessary process of understanding what they need. The teacher needs to find out the needs and interest of the learners so that they can lane their strategyaccordingly.

Teacher as counsellor: teacher needs to work as a counsellor to provide better productivity from their athletes in physical education and learners. There is responsibility which the PE teacher need to value and work accordingly.

Teacher as role model: Their role is to make the strategy and make sure the learner follows their steps to achieve the results they aim for. It is essential and important for them to develop working accordingly.

1.2 Creative and Innovative Approaches for Specialism

Mindset: The teacher's attitude has to be successful. in order to provide further knowledge to the student and learner so that they may develop in their study of physical education. It is essential for teacher to make new innovative strategy to evaluate the target they aim for. Change in working and finding the new ways of development to increase better performance.

Self-Reflection: It is critical for them to ensure that they are developing this approach for comprehending physical educationskills self-reflection of knowledge. Developing the innovative ideas about self and putting in the knowledge to provide better training and development to learner.

Flexible learning environment: The approach to make a flexible learning for the students so that they get better time and knowledge for physical education. This is vital for them and this approach provide better knowledge for physical education (Kaup and, 2020).

Increasing the communication: Physical education involves greater discussion and presentation in order for pupils to have a better knowledge of the subject.The instructor must improve their own and their students' communication skills.


2.1 Use initial and Diagnostic assessment to agree the learner’s individual goals and learning preference

The initial assessment refers to the learner’s current ability with the information from the individual learning programme. This help in understanding the information about the learners as weather they are choosing the right course for their future. It helps in creating a segmentation of knowledge and give results based on models of assessment. The models include are the math and English functional skills assessment, previous academic ability and scores, and the enrolment interviews. These helps in providing their necessary information for the individual goals and learning preferences can be identified. The process helps in identification of the desire efforts and knowledge for the learning (Mikkonen and, 2017).

The Diagnostic assessment works just after the initial assessments for the learning and goals. It is an online process of working through the software’s to know the students better and understand their starting point for the career. Both the assessments provide better understanding for learning preferences and the individual goals.

2.2 Scheme of work taking

Need of Learner: The needs are important as they provide the motivation among individual and it is essential for them to develop this motivation for better results. It is essential for them to make the ways of developing the increase of learning of needs.

The Delivery Model: It is critical to know what delivery methods teachers use to communicate material to students so that they can have a better comprehension and produce faster outcomes on the issue. It also promotes specialisation education growth with improved outcomes.

Internal and External requirements: The internal and the external assessments help the knowledge to outcomes and find the right decision for the physical education and calculate the analysis of the learner. Working on internal and external evaluation is critical for the learner's and individual goals.

2.3 Teaching and learning plans

It is very essential for the teacher to plan the necessary working on the individual goals of the learner. When the teacher designs the plans for the learners, they focus on making each learners ability to rise for better results. It includes working and designing on their individual goals and the need of their preference learning in the education. Working on the preference learning is critical as it helps the teacher to identify the knowledge about the learner’s ability and what are their strength and weakness which can create them a better knowledge for future. Preference learning assists students in better understanding their talents and strengths in order to improve their prospects of a better future based on their prior abilities and learning (Sampson and, 2019). Working on the curriculum requirement that focuses on the learner's awareness of his or her requirements and capacity to assess improved learning of the design from the teacher for the earners. This is critical since it allows them to create a better learning process for the students.

2.4 Opportunity for learner to provide feedbacks

Working as teacher is the responsibility to provide the desire information for the specialism to the students. This is vital for the student to make sure that they are working on the necessary development in workplace. Opportunity for the feedback, communication, development, relationship with the teacher etc.When the instructor asks for feedback, it help them in getting knowledge about their performance. Inclusive practises are crucial for the learner to find the perfect chance to explain all of the relevant information that is important for the teacher and can aid the learner with better education. The student and the teacher have a greater communication chance to create additional information for the learning. The learner needs to evaluate better ways to get more about the better learning. The teachers ask for the feedbacks which give them information about the learner and how they are getting the courses done.

2.5 Principle and model of learning, communication assessments and different inclusive teaching and learning

There are several learning models and concepts, such as Pavlon's Behavioural Learning Theory, Ausubel's Meaningful Learning Theory, Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory, and so on. The teacher's personal learning activities aim to improve their physical education abilities so that they can provide better practical and communicative evaluations with the learners in their process. I worked on the motivational theory to provide better understanding to the results and develop for learner’s role model in presentation as a teacher. It is essential for them to get motivated and their method helped me in staying motivated and keeping other motivated which help the learner in developing new ways of development in learner’s strategy.

Workings on communication to increase the learners' grasp of the topic they are communicating to them, as well as helping the instructor communicate the need for change and the abilities that need to be developed. To improve the effectiveness of a better learning programme and build knowledge for physical education and presentation, it is important for the learner and the instructor to have a good relationship. Physical education is a highly significant specialisation since it provides the required cultural understanding and reading of various sports as well as physical process of personality knowledge.


3.1 Theories of Behaviour management

The behaviour management referred as Kohn’s Student Directed Learning Theory explains that working on the motivation among the classrooms are essential for Teachers. It is essential for them to make sure that the behaviour is always positive and include the process of development in workplace where they increase their working in managing the classrooms. The theories explain that the teachers need to make sure that the student explores more topic of their interest so that they can provide the best of their skills and knowledge for the given topic.It is critical that they give the required workplace growth. It focuses on displaying student projects and encouraging students to exchange ideas about physical education in different fields of study. The student's interest in the classes and the subsequent efforts are improving the learning experience in their classroom. It is vital for the teacher to provide them with the best of skills and knowledge with the learning process.

3.2 Safe and Inclusive learning Environment

To build a safe and inclusive learning environment, it is essential for teachers to work on necessary change including strategies and methods. The teacher needs to work on the posting of the student work so that they can create a better process of working and also develop better process of learning in classrooms. Developing the inclusive practices, the teachers shouldadmit the things they don’t know and can work accordingly. Working on the physical education, it is essential for the teacher to work on the necessary process of making sure that they are working on practical and physical approach with their students to evaluate better communication and relation. They need to take the opportunity of the kindness to make a better environment and develop necessary working in process.

3.3 Own Practices for better working and learning process

I experienced that behaviouraltheory explains, it is important for me to make sure that learner is working on the motivation of the PE. So that they can evaluate better process of learning. This is vital for them to make a place for student where they are free to develop and work so that they feel motivated and have better communication at workplace. The different process of development that laid to my working was to develop the changes in process of education knowledge and learning, especially in PE.

Working on the safe environment I needed to develop a process where learner need is to evaluate& better understanding of the research is provided necessary details of working. To increase the better environment, it is essential forme to make sure that learneris working on their presentation ability and develop more about providing the necessary personality of smiling and making student and learner comfortable. I realised that this experience can help the learner in better profits for future details and knowledge in PE.


4.1 Design resources to promote the value diversity and equality for need of learners

Equality and diversity are one of the ideas of promoting and accepting the differences of the student and individual. Equality is treating people fairly and equally and without discriminating against them based on their race, age, culture, colour, or other characteristics. The Diversity process is about acknowledging and accepting the recognition in order to offer a better working and learning environment for learners.

To promote it should consider:

  • It is essential to challenge the negative behaviour and attitudes of the students and individual.

  • Providing different ways of teaching so that the stereotypes canbe ended.

  • By establishing clear norms, people will treat one another better. For individual learning, this is critical for teachers.

  • Treating every person with the equality and fairly in the student and staff.

  • The P.E learning needs to be done with better practical skills and increase the knowledge about particular specialism.

4.2 Flexibility and adaptability in the use of inclusive learning and teaching, technologies for needs of learners

Working on the inclusive learning and teaching, it is essential for the individual students to get the experience of diversity, remove barriers, equality and flexibility etc. To provide flexibility, it is essential to make sure that the teacher and the learner are flexible to understand and the adaptability should be there. Using technology to give flexibility in the P.E. specialty, as well as greater practical knowledge to provide the student with flexibility and adaptability.The individual and student are needed to be treated equally and flexible so that they stay motivated and learn better about the Physical education. This helps the learner in getting better performance and creates more knowledge for the subject which can promote them in developing the crucial factor of knowledge for the same. The inclusive learning is essential and provides the positive factors for the development and growth of learning process.

4.3 Ways to promote equality and value diversity in P.E

To promote the equality and value diversity in the student and learners are by developing to work on their performance to treat everyone with the same respect whether its staff or student. They need to create the different ways for example including the multicultural themes in the platform of learning and teaching. Students and staff are working to create an inclusive atmosphere. More models in the classroom should be used by the teachers.

It is critical that the selected topic be readily understood by students and learners, and that variety in value and equality in the workplace be provided. Working on different assessments from the P.E teaching can create a learning and assessment analysis of the individual to make strategy accordingly.

4.4 Communication with the learner for professional learning

The physical education trains the athletes who want to become professional in their field so that they can evaluate better working in market. They are working for their aim and objective of becoming the professional athletes. The teacher provides the condition of the workplace so that the individual and learner can create a positive atmosphere by communication with the student, parents. This is essential for the professional learning to make it better knowledgeable. Communication is one of the major factors to develop the overall change and understand the requirement and the issues the individual is facing. The communication can develop better understanding by talking out the conflicts and the causes which are stopping them and making it tough for them to get learning in professional ways. It is vital for the inclusive learning to make sure they are developing the communication to know better about the changes they can implement and provide better education and learning process of programme.

4.5 Theory principle of model in communication

The five components in Aristotle's model of communication for greater learning are included in the model of communication. This comprises the speaker, the speech, the effect, the audience, and the situation. The communication models stipulate that learning and development must include all five of the models' techniques. To communicate, the speaker must speak about whatever they choose, and the message must be conveyed during the speech. I used the communication principle model to understand its importance and provide the learner and students with better details of knowledge. The audience in learning might include classmates and co-workers, and the effect is determined by the person's communication investments. It is critical for them to ensure that they are working on change development as well as improving the learning process in the workplace.


5.1 Assessments for the individual needs of learner

Formal need assessment methods include the critical incident methods, objectives knowledge, gap analysis, skill test, self-assessment, video assessments and peer review etc. these are the methods used by the teacher to understand the needs of the learner and what they actually need to develop in their process of working. 




Focusing to teach children in innovative way

Initial stage

By taking reviews and feedbacks

Learning by watching other experienced teachers in PE

Initial stage

By taking reviews and feedbacks

Table 1 Example of P.E Table Assessment

In the assessment of table the learners need to give the answer of the given question to understand their actually growth and knowledge.

It is critical for them to ensure that they are working on the appropriate comprehension process. The needs are those aspects that must be known, and the teacher uses these evaluations to ensure that they are working on knowing the requirements of the students.Working on the process of individual needs can assist the Physical Education teacher in gaining a better knowledge of how to make adjustments in approach and assess the results. These elements have the potential to have a significant influence on the workplace, which will be critical in the future.Developing a knowledge development plan for change and focusing on required areas to increase the methods in which an individual may identify their study needs to assess better results.

5.2 Flexibility and adaptability for meeting needs of learning and assessment

The flexibility of working allows the instructor to establish a better knowledge process and a learning of development in process in which they develop the essential areas of keeping the working culture to stay positive and comprehend what the person wants to achieve in company.When teachers of physical education receive feedback from business learners, they must work on the essential changes in communication flexibility and adaptation to change (Sifakis and Bayyurt, 2017). This provide better results to them as they are creating a major change in their knowledge and can ask for some other factor of learning from their mentor. The needs are important as they motivate the individual learner to make efforts of developing the inputs and the P.E needs to make the changes in their strategy to increase communication and work on the feedbacks. The communication helps in getting the issues solve and make better productivity.

5.3 Utilisation of Data assessment

The data assessments include the ways of working in which the teacher monitor the changes and data of their results of learners. This provide them to take actions which help in finding the results they are aiming for. 

Monitoring: Working on the assessment of developing self needs and finding the right ways are vital and for that the monitoring process is being utilised. Setting the targets to achieve and the results to be calculated with the analysis of data. 

Planning subsequence: Planning the session of training and development for physical education and this can provide them with the change in nature of working and development in growth of their skills and needs.

Recording Outcomes: Recording of outcomes and collecting data from the assessments to evaluate the changes and find the right things to target for results which they are demanding and wants (Wang and, 2018).

5.4 Communication with different professionals

The communication with the different professionals includes the meeting and training forms the professionals of their sports and the Physical education. This helps the learner in getting better understanding of the change they are willing to understand for being a profession. This provides the information of the hard work and develops the strategy of understanding the right steps of knowledge fromthe professionals. Individuals are working on their professions, and meeting them and having a session conversation may help to increase learner knowledge and inspire them to work on better strategies to influence the growth of outcomes. Working with the professional help in providing the necessary increase in motivation and self-development of the learner which further help in getting better results. Professional support provides the small steps and process of working on learning in-depth knowledge and it can help the athletes and persons in the physical education with better performance (Jabbarov, 2020).

5.5 Own assessment principle

It is essential for teacher to work on the development and find the right way of working so that they can increase better understanding on the given factor of workplace. I worked on development of my practical skills and presentation skills to explain more about the task and responsibility to the learner to develop better understanding. There are several factors which needs to be developed and created in increase number of working to get results (Winstone and Carless, 2019). Working on the self-assessmentto provide better results on the learner’sability understanding. The communication theory and model provide the help to develop the necessary understanding with the people and individual learners. 


6.1 Minimum core elements for planning, delivery and assessing the inclusive learning and teaching

The minimal essential components for any subject is based on language, literacy, numeracy, and information and communication technologies knowledge and understanding. They are recognised as key parts of the teaching qualification, and physical education teachers must use them in the creation of better market operating. Working on the planning and delivering the inclusive knowledge of learning and teaching. It is essential for them to make sure that they are working on making the best process of individual to learn about their concept and knowledge about the specialism in P.E (Tuan and Cuong, 2019). It is necessary for them to work on the minimum core elements are language, literacy, numeracy, and information and communication technologies so that they can develop better results by increasing the planning and delivering of skills and knowledge to increase better learning for the individual. Creating a process in which they are working for planning the steps and necessary methods for the individual to develop their knowledge

6.2 Apply minimum core elements in planning.; delivering and assessing inclusive learning and teaching

Applying all of the elements (language, literacy, numeracy, and information and communication technologies) in the teaching and learning are that it increases the understanding factor. Literacy is the key component in giving an internal and external guide to the diagnostic assessment's requirements. Numeracy is the computation of long initial and diagnostic assessment activities at the time of findings. Language is the component that aids in the individual's speech and behaviour. All these help a PE teacher to provide education to learners. The communication technologies and the information help in understanding the ways to evaluate the planning for the individual in the process of learning. Working on a change in planning to give better outcomes necessitates a necessary change in the workplace, where they are developing the increase of correct planning and information delivery to assess results.


7.1 Model of reflection

Gibbs Models of reflection

Gibb’s reflection models include steps which are:

Description: It provide the experience as a teacher to explain the concept of knowledge and working with the individual in the learning process to work on the planning and delivering.

Feeling: Feeling refer to the thoughts of the teacher about their experience of learning and teaching to individual. This help in providing the example for others.

Evaluation: Working on the experience as a teacher and finding both the positive and negative aspect to provide better future teaching and help learners as well create better planning.

Analysis: Working on the situation of planning and delivering to individual for better results and learning process.

Conclusion: Learning are that the experience helped in getting a lot of knowledge which can be used in planning and delivering of the assessment for individual and learner.

ActionPlan: Action plan for better delivery of working and knowledge also with the change in developing planning for results.

7.2 Improve practices

For me the practices are about working on the learning new things as a teacher to teach the learner more details acquaintance. It is essential for them to make sure that they are working on the increase of knowledge. I have planned the process of knowledge and working on new ways of explaining the process to deliver better skills and information.These practices essential for me and need to develop a way in which there are different methods of increase performance and create awareness about providing the necessary development of business for teacher to teach individual. It is critical for me to concentrate on physical education in order to improve knowledge and establish new ways of learning for their students (Galvo, Ferreira, and Marques, 2018). To excel at physical education, students require specific information, which can only be obtained via practise. The same is required for me to develop my knowledge and understanding for the physical education.


The above report concluded that it is essential for the teacher to make sure that they are working on the necessary skills and development to get better results. There are necessary change processes which need to be developed by the increasing of learning in the specialism. Physical education needs practical knowledge and communication to evaluate better details in the subject for the learners.


Books and Journals

Galvão, A., Ferreira, J.J. and Marques, C., 2018. Entrepreneurship education and training as facilitators of regional development: A systematic literature review. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development.

Jabbarov, U., 2020. THE ROLE OF TRAININGS IN THE FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF FUTURE FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHERS. ??????????????????????? ? ???????????, 1(1), pp.34-38.

Kaup and, 2020. Sustaining academics during COVID-19 pandemic: the role of online teaching-learning. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 68(6), p.1220.

Mikkonenand, 2017. Guiding workplace learning in vocational education and training: A literature review. Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training, 9(1), pp.1-22.

Sampson and, 2019. Learning technologies for transforming large-scale teaching, learning, and assessment. Springer.

Sifakis, N. and Bayyurt, Y., 2017. ELF-aware teaching, learning and teacher development. In The Routledge handbook of English as a lingua franca (pp. 456-467). Routledge.

Tuan, N.D. and Cuong, N.H., 2019. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Vietnam. In Vocational Education and Training in ASEAN Member States (pp. 229-256). Springer, Singapore.

Wang and, 2018. A critical review of the use of virtual reality in construction engineering education and training. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(6), p.1204.

Winstone, N. and Carless, D., 2019. Designing effective feedback processes in higher education: A learning-focused approach. Routledg

Introduction - Award in Education and Training Assignment

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Learner Name

Emma Jones

Submission date


Assignment notes: 

Welcome to your qualification! This learner workbook should be completed and inserted into your online course portfolio as evidence of your understanding in unit 2 of your qualification.

Some sections in this workbook require short answers (approx. 250 words), some sections require you to complete tables or other relevant activities.

Sections which require short answers should be written with your own teaching situation in mind, taking examples from your own (or proposed) teaching areas. Additionally, we expect you to reference to popular theory where appropriate. 

This workbook must be written in your own words and not copied from the internet. We routinely pass submissions through a plagiarism checker which will detect any areas for concern.

Where you use short quotations from published sources we recommend you reference the author properly – this link will help you reference using the Harvard System:

The submissions you make in our online portal are not final and should your tutor feel that your work needs additional work they will provide feedback and you can re-submit for marking.

We recommend you use the course reading materials and interactive presentation as a basis for your answers and complete wider research where appropriate. 

Good luck from all of the team at CTC Training and Development Limited. 

Assessment Criteria: 1.1

Describe features of inclusive teaching and learning.

Inclusive teaching and learning is central to all aspects from planning, through to delivery and assessment. What key features must teachers consider to create a suitable learning experience?

Word Count: 250 words maximum

Inclusive teaching and learning is the approach taken when you use strategies that ensure all your learners, whatever their differences, are supported and engaged in lessons. Inclusive teaching and recognising that every learner is different will underpin all that I do as teacher and requires me to treat learners as individuals, taking into consideration their specific needs, preference and backgrounds and behaviours. 

Key Features;

Teaching and Learning Approaches – Developing learners wider skills & learning domains: Cognitive, affective & psychomotor domain

Ways to Establish ground rules with leaners

Ways to enraged and motivate learners 

Creating an inclusive teaching and learning environment using resources and additional support 

Assessment Criteria: 1.2

Compare the strengths and limitations of teaching and learning approaches used in your own area of specialism and relate this to meeting individual learner needs.

Teaching and learning approaches are the methods used to deliver your lessons to a range of learners

Word Count: 250 words maximum





Effective for small group sizes 

good for teaching skills 

Not so good for larger groups unless enhanced by technology

Some aspects of demonstration may be difficult to see 


Can be a fun way of engaging the learners with a little healthy competition 

Can be perceived as a test 

Need to consider impact on less confident learners 


An engaging way to draw on learners knowledge and views 

More vocal learners may dominate


A good way of engaging learners 

Learners develop verbal Skills 

Requires skilful classroom management 

Assessment Criteria: 1.3

Explain why it is important to provide opportunities for learners to develop their language, mathematics, ICT and wider skills.

You need to explain the importance of these skills, and why they are relevant to personal and working life. You need to suggest activities to allow your learners to develop these skills.

Word Count: 250 words maximum

Why is it important to develop language

Ways to achieve this in my current/proposed teaching area

Teachers and students use spoken and written language to communicate with each other–to present tasks, engage in learning processes, present academic content, assess learning, display knowledge and skill, and build classroom life. 

Communication - Presenting findings to the group – working collaborative in small groups

Why it is important to develop Mathematics

Ways to achieve this in my current/proposed teaching area

Working with percentages

Calculating the percentage increases or decreases in promotional offers such as discounted treatments 

Why it is important to develop ICT

Ways to achieve this in my current/proposed teaching area

The use of ICT has become essential in every day classroom teaching and learning. It's use gives a chance to teachers as well as students to increase the quality of education and meet the requirements set by the coeval knowledge society. ICT has become essential tool for educational change and reform. 

communications via e-mails, use the web in researching and locating resources, create online groups and build wikis, participate in online collaborative activities, and apply technology-enhanced/web-based lessons in the classroom. 

Why it is important to develop Wider skills

Ways to achieve this in my current/proposed teaching area

Using a computer spreadsheet to create graphs 

Letter Writing

Using publishing software

Communication, Presentation 

Working with Others - Teamwork

Learners create a graph and spread sheet based on the number of customer bookings they have had each month along with with treatment carried out and the cost of treatment – this helps with business forecasting, client spend and analysis 

Writing a letter to confirm booking of treatment along with booking terms and conditions, date, time and cost of treatment 

Creating a poster regarding COVID policies and practices within the home salon or workplace 

Communication - Presenting findings to the group – working collaborative in small groups. These wider skills will enable learners to contribute further to scenarios at work, as it will prepare them to understand and participate in discussions, interpret pieces of writing and instructions, as well as helping them to put their point across clearly.

Focuses on teamwork, planning,organising, and working with a group

Assessment Criteria: 2.1

Explain why it is important to create an inclusive teaching and learning environment.
Explain why it is important to ensure that all learners can achieve. Use some examples to help you answer.

Word Count: 250 words maximum

A suitable teaching, learning and assessment environment is crucial for effective learning to take place. This includes not only the venue, equipment and resources used, but also attitude and support you give to your students and learners. Learning can take place in a variety of contexts; for example, classrooms, the workplace, training rooms, workshops, outdoors and online. While learning can take place almost anywhere, not all environments will be totally suitable; however, it's how you teach your subject and assess it that will lead to effective learning. If you can convey passion and enthusiasm for your subject you will help motivate your learners to want to learn more. You might be restricted by the availability of particular classrooms or resources; therefore you need to be imaginative with what's available to you. The learning environment has three aspects; physical, social and learning. Each has an impact on the others and all three aspects should be appropriate, relevant and safe. Some aspects will interact and overlap to ensure teaching, learning and assessment can be effective for everyone. 

Assessment Criteria: 2.2

Explain why it is important to select teaching and learning approaches, resources and assessment methods to meet individual learner needs
You need to provide specific examples used in your proposed teaching area.

Word Count: 250 words maximum

Justify how your teaching and learning approaches meet individual needs. 

Every teacher needs to realize and believe that all the learners who are pursuing the particular course need to acquire equal education, experiences, and prospective aspirations from their course. But the learners are presented with varied dynamics. So it's very much crucial for the teacher to meet the requirements of each learner without any discrimination. The cycle of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment is usually compelled for a practical model of teaching and is beneficial to assimilate a perpetual ongoing assessment besides passing through the numerous phases of learning (Gravells, 2017).

Since the Lash and Brow courses are also practical ones, the learning approaches need to be both observational and interactive to make sure that all the learners are gaining equal knowledge. For example, a session can begin with a verbal trial that will empower an indication of what can be the prominent learning styles of a particular group. The teacher can also ask the students to ask each other questions regarding Lash fixing or brow setting. Such approaches will act as an icebreaker and will also indicate the expectations of the students, i.e.; what they want to learn or focus on(Morgan, 2019).

A variety of hands-on demonstrations can be used for promoting discussion and then the teacher can move to PowerPoint presentations and furnish them with real-life experiences.

The session can be finished by illustrating various scenarios for reviewing in small groups and getting feedback from all. Such an individual tailored program will ensure that the students retain their interests and feel valued (Hidayat, 2020).

Justify how your resources meet individual needs.

Justify how your assessment methods meet individual needs.

Assessments can provide evidence of learning

All assessment methods should be situated to the level and ability of the learner.

A system of well-constructed formative and summative assessments allows students to demonstrate their abilities and knowledge and then reflects how close they are to meeting educational goals and standards. Evidence from assessments can be directly beneficial to students. 

There are many ways of assessing a learners knowledge and understanding of a topic. 

Formal & Informal Assessment Methods 

Formal; Assignments, Case studies, Essays, Observations, Tests, Written Testimonials, Professional Discussions & Questions

Informal; Discussions, Peer and Self Assessment, Role Play, Practical Activities

This can be in the form of a practical assessment, case study, written assessment or an exam.

Identifying and meeting individual learner needs boosts their morale and encourages them. In some cases, the learner does not gain much from mass instruction. As such, when the teacher provides individually prescribed instruction (IPI) it significantly helps many learners to understand and grasp educational concepts. 

Assessment methods can be adapted to meet individual learner needs in the following ways: Learners with dyslexia can have extra time to complete the assessment. ... Learners with dyslexia may find multiple choice questions easier to read, or questions can be read out to them 

Some Examples of of meeting learners needs; 

  • Adapting or providing resources and equipment for a learner who is partially sighted

  • Adapting the environment for a learner who is physically disabled

  • Allowing extra time for a learner with dyslexia 

  • Arranging to use another language such as British Sign Language with a learner who is partially def

  • Using different assessment activities to suit a individual learning preference

For assessing my students I will be using both Practical and theoretical, internally and externally assessed assignments througj demonsation, pratical assement and coaching. 

Assessment Criteria: 2.3

Explain ways to engage and motivate learners 

Give at least three examples, and try to explain how these might work in your proposed teaching area

Word Count: 250 words maximum

The key to teaching topics that learners may find difficult or which they are unwilling to engage with is to consider the use of innovative teaching and learning methods.

Learners may arrive in the classroom tired, reluctant or uninterested in the topic I have planned. It is my role as a teacher to find ways to overcome this. This might be through the use of incentives such as an early break or less work to do for homework if work is completed in the class or how I plan the lesson to make it interesting and engaging. 


Asking learners to write a poem or song of summering key points of the legislation

Asking learners to create a poster , either on the computer or paper outlining COVID protocalls in the work place for staff and customers 

Asking learners to act out a scenario where health and safety legislation was not adhered to 

Assessment Criteria: 2.4

Summarise ways to establish ground rules with learners

Give at least three contextual examples. Also, describe the negotiable and non-negotiable rules, giving an indication of how these might be established and managed.

Word Count: 250 words maximum

Setting ground rules at the commencement of a course is an important way of ensuring that individuals within a group feel safe and supported throughout their learning journey. 

Sometimes rules are enforced such as health and safety rules, but some rules are negotiated, for example, break times or the use of mobile telephones. In the adult environment it is recognised that negotiated rules and behaviours are much more likely to be adopted than rules which are enforced. 


  • Health & Safety Rules within the classroom environment 

  • Equality & Diversity – treating others fairly

  • Arrive on time, prepared & listening when the teacher is talking


  • Break Times

  • Mobile Phones 

  • Groups they wish to work in for specific tasks 

There are a number of reasons why negotiating rules is the preferred approach for setting rules with learners. 

It gives them a sense of ownership of the rules, they feel their views are important, the learners are more likely to adhere to them. 

One way to establish ground rules with your learners is where you both you and your learners work together by a process of discussion and negation. This enables your learners to recognise what is and not acceptable, giving them a sense of ownership and responsibility. It also enables learners to begin working together as a group and encourages aspects such as listening, compromise and respect for others.

Alternately, your learners can write down the rules individually, then discuss in pairs and join into fours to create a poster or a list on flip chart paper. 


Gravells, A., 2017. Principles and Practices of Teaching and Training: A guide for teachers and trainers in the FE and skills sector. Learning Matters.

Hidayat, D.N., 2020. Critical discourse analysis and its potential for English language teaching: A study on beauty advertisement products in Indonesia. Available at SSRN 3621263.

Morgan, W.J., 2019. The base of the iceberg: Informal learning and its impact on formal and non-formal learning, study guides in adult education.

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