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Current Trends in Networking Assignment Answer

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Current Trends and Challenges in Providing Internet Connectivity in Remote Areas

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Networking is considered as a proper structure or construction for designing a network and it also makes use of various features such as cabling requirements, telecommunication protocols, efficient software's and hardware's required etc. The actual basic and physical required factors while implementing networking includes cabling, switches, router, hubs etc. There has been observed various new, modern and advanced trends in the networking these days and some very common and well known examples of this can be considered as cloud computing, software defined networking (SDN) etc. The report is about understanding various threats in the network provision, a comparison between the existing and emerging technologies in networking, credible

Sources etc. in consideration with the technologies of network and data communication.

Critically evaluate threats to network provision and compare solutions

Satellite internet access is considered as a way of internet access which is being provided by means of communication satellites. This service of consumer grade is being provided to the individuals with the help of satellites and these satellites are known as geo stationary satellites. When compared with the other network connections such as local area network, wide area network etc., satellite internet access is considered as one of those connections for providing internet that offers a good and efficient speed of data transmission. Whether it is about sending the data or receiving it, all these are being done very faster as in real time. So, satellite internet access can be considered as a better, efficient and appropriate way for the lighthouse. It is because as the light house is situated at a remote location and also, nearby there is Melvaig which is a camp site. So it is very difficult for the light house to take the internet connection from there. If it would be nearer, then there may be the possibility that they can take a wired connection from them but as it is a camp site, so it is difficult to do so. So, satellite internet access can be considered as the better and the efficient way that the light house can make use for accessing internet.

Satellite internet connections are generally used in the areas where DSL or cable internet connection is not available (Yuze, Nabeta and Ito, 2015). As Rubha Reidh is a remote lighthouse on the west coast of Scotland, it is very difficult to established wired or DSL internet connection. In this case, satellite internet connections is most suitable and appropriate. There are certain threats and issues which are associated with the satellite internet connections provisions which are listed below:


  • Whether conditions impact on the signal quality: As satellite internet connection is based on transmission of data and protocols using satellites dishes, poor weather conditions negatively impacts on the connections and creates a barrier for effective transmission. As Rubha Reidh is located in the coast of Scotland, there are chances that weather conditions can be harsh which can impacts on the internet connections.
  • Poor latency or high ping rate: Latency and ping rate is essentially the same thing; they both test how long it takes to communicate between another computer, device, service or server in a network (Hanson, 2016). Satellites internet connection have poor latency and high ping rate as data has been send to space and received from space. This delay the process of data transmission and results in slower output.
  • Little obstruction affects the quality of signal: Anything in the way of dish affects the quality of signal. It has to be pointed towards south where all the dishes are orbiting. Branches of trees, birds, blow of wind, etc. affects the signal quality and sometimes block the internet connections. The operator needs to check the dish regularly which increases time and efforts. (Options for High Speed Internet. 2017).
  • It is relatively expensive: Satellite internet connections are relatively expensive than other connections. Further, there is limitation in bandwidth for a month.
  • Virtual Private Network (VPNs) aren't compatible with satellite internet connection: They require a low latency, high bandwidth setup which is the complete opposite of what you’ll get with satellite internet (Filipkowski, 2015).


  • In order to protect the satellite dish from windy and other poor weather conditions, the owner of Rubha Reidh, needs to construct a open roof building where the satellite can be placed. This will provide protection to satellite dish and it can transmit data adequately from space satellite.
  • To obliterate obstructions, the owner of Rubha Reidh needs to place the satellite in the area where minimum impacts of obstructions can be made.
  • By updating internet plan and connection, the latency rate and ping rate of satellite internet connection can be improved adequately (File and Ryan, 2014). This will reduce the lagging internet connection will provide high speed data transmission effectively and efficiently.
  • To save cost, the owner of Rubha Reidh needs to compare various suppliers of satellite internet connection. Further, they can choose the plan they prefer in order to reduce the cost adequately.

Thus, by following these steps and procedures, the owners of Rubha Reidh will able to connect with the internet.

Options that are available to provide high-speed internet connection

The options that are being available in order to make use of high-speed internet services. Some of them are as follows -:

Cable internet â€" In the coming years the cable internet have become one of the fastest overall choice. For the heavy file sharing, heavy downloading and sending the streaming videos the best choice is been given by this network. It is also a good network for the families as multiple computers can share easily a single connection of cable. In metro areas it is available to most people. The down speed provided by this 25 to 100+ megabits per seconds. The up speed is 2 to 8 Mbps. The cost that is been needed for its installation is $25 to $ 90 per moth. But the installation fees is not added in it. The setup can also be very quick as many users already have cable connection (Liikkanen and Ã…man, 2016) .

As per the given case Rubha Reidh can make use of this network in order to get access to high internet connection in their remote areas but since they are living in a remote areas so may be they not be having TV cable to be selected in order to provide internet connection. Also in case a lot of downloading is been done one can require to install booster devices. The special moderns are required for the cable internet .It can also be costly for Rubha Reidh .

DSL :Digital subscriber line â€" The people who have subscriptions of telephones for them it is a very convenient .In comparison with cable it is more available in rural areas. The bandwidth is not shared with anyone in the neighbours. It is the best choice for gamers and also it has a lower latency in comparison with cable (Wiche, Osmanagic-Myers and Castañón, 2015).

But as per this case it would not be a right choice for remote areas has it is a type of telephone connection made for internet signals. The special moderns are needed for this internet connection and also small devices known as micro filters. The down speed given by this DSL are 1.5 to 15 Mbps. The cost is about $35 to $ 50 per month .

3G/4G wireless cell phone internet â€" For the travellers, filed workers and rural residents this internet connection is ideal. The down speed of about 21 Mbps is been offered by it. But in this case this cannot be installed on remote areas as it will be very expensive for them and can range form about $ 30 to $ 120 per month.

For the lower grade connection the up speed is slow so it can be frustrating to send file attachments and file sharing (Aznoli and Navimipour, 2017). In the family only at a time one computer can go online .For families that is making use of multiple internet connection it is not a good choice. Within a few years 4 G wireless will become the worldwide standards in internet connectivity(Options for High Speed Internet, 2017.).

Satellite internet â€" As per the given case of Rubha Rei of of dh the best choice fort hem is to make use of satellite Internet (Jiang, Cui and Faloutso of s, 2016). This can bring Internet to remote areas. The high-speed internet services is been given of by satellite internet. In order to provide internet access to customers satellite internet of services make use of telecommunication satellites in earth orbit. It covers the area where the DSL and cable access in not available. The bandwidth that is been offered by this internet services is also good. From earth to satellite the enormous distance that a signal travels .The speed of t of his connection is about 512 K to 2.0 Mbps.

The problem in remote location in order to provide internet connection

In the remote areas a serious issue is been faced as there is not Internet service set up is been given (Whitmore, Agarwal and Da Xu, 2015.). The only issue that comes in providing internet access to a remote location is that there must not be proper arrangements available and if they are being done as well for once, and after that if the network faces some complications, it may take a huge amount of time in consulting someone and the specific persons may also have to spare some time for going to that location. It will be requiring time as well as more cost. So, some methods should be involved so that there can be the availability of every possible feature so that people in such remote areas can also make use of the internet and enjoy various services. As per the case Rubha Reidh face an issue of providing internet connection to guests that are visiting their place for accommodation. Since it is not an easy way to provide internet connection in such as areas as no proper families is there. The cabling is not possible so cable internet cannot be used also DSL connection cannot be used as telephone connection is needed. The efforts need to be made in these remote areas where all the serveries related to internet need to be given. They can also make use 3g/4G wireless internet connection but it is not possible that at the same time all users will get a good speed.

Making recommendation for the remote area of

These are the areas where the proper facilities regarding internet connection, network etc is not been given to people (Barton, Soshnev and Geyer, 2015). Due to this people they are not able to make use of internet services and other facilities such as television, telephones etc. In today's world in the life of individual the internet plays an essential role with this they get to know about the outside world and the current trends in the technology. The government need to be make some step in order to make sure that all the facilities are been given to the pole that are being residing in such areas. The efforts need to be made so that internet service is been given in these areas also.

Noval technologies

The way the people live and work now-a-days have been changed due to noval telecommunication. With ultra high speed data transfer people want to be always connected. They prefer high-quality video streaming .The speed of Internet is been boosted by the noval technologies.

Some of the novel technologies are as follows-:

Dial up â€" It is not so costly but the speed is also slow. After the computer dials a phone number a modern connect to the internet .Via the modern this analogue signal is converted in digital and over a land-line service by a public telephone network it is being sent. In quality the telephone lines are variable. And at times the connection can be poor.

Wireless- In this the telephone lines are cables are not been used to connect the Internet. In this the radio frequency are been used (Yassine, Rahimi and Shirmohammadi, 2015). On connection wireless is also there and from just anywhere it can exceeds. In this the speed can vary but it can be in range of about 5 Mbps to 20 Mbps.

Cellular â€" Through cell phones it provides wireless Internet connection. On the provider the speed will depends but most common are 3G and 4G speeds. The 3rd generation cellular network is being described in a 3G network and provides a speed around 2.0 Mbps. The fourth generation of cellar networks is been provided by 4G.

But as per this case of providing internet service to the guest who are coming for accommodation these noval technologies cannot be used as to a larger people this internet technologies will not give a better Internet services.

The cost and speed of satellite internet connection

In order to connect to pole that are located in e areas this internet connection can be used. This is the best choice for Rubha Reidh to provide internet connection for their guests. The down speed that is been offered by this network is 0.5 to 1 Mbps and the up speed is less than 1 Mbps. The cost that will be needed for is implementation will be around $100 to $ 250 per month and also for the satellite internet connection it can charge up to $ 300 to $ 1000.As in the remote areas there are no cell phones coverage , this is the only choice that is been available .It's installation can be bit expensive but for the guest it will be good for them as they will be able to make use of internet services while staying at some remote areas (El Kadiri and Kiritsis, 2016).


Thus summing up the above report it can be concluded that the best choice for Rubha Reidh is the use satellite internet .This will be good choice in comparison with other inert service as in remote areas this Internet service is efficient in providing internet connection. In areas where there is no network coverage for cell phones there this network can work. The other connection networks are dial up, cable internet, wireless networks etc. But they do not work in remote areas so these options cannot be taken into consideration.


Books and journals

Aznoli, F. and Navimipour, N.J., 2017. Deployment strategies in the wireless sensor networks: systematic literature review, classification, and current trends. Wireless Personal Communications, 95(2), pp.819-846.

Barton, L.J., Soshnev, A.A. and Geyer, P.K., 2015. Networking in the nucleus: a spotlight on LEM-domain proteins. Current opinion in cell biology, 34, pp.1-8.

El Kadiri, S., Kiritsis, D., 2016. Current trends on ICT technologies for enterprise information systems. Computers in Industry, 79, pp.14-33.

File, T. and Ryan, C., 2014. Computer and Internet use in the United States: 2013. American Community Survey Reports, 28, pp.1-16.

Filipkowski, D., 2015. Data transmission capabilities of the ship’s satellite internet connection. TTS Technika Transportu Szynowego, 22.Options for High Speed Internet. 2017.

Hanson, W.A., 2016. Satellite Internet in the Mobile Age. New Space, 4(3), pp.138-152.

Jiang, M., Cui, P. and Faloutsos, C., 2016. Suspicious behavior detection: Current trends and future directions. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 31(1), pp.31-39.

Liikkanen, L.A. and Ã…man, P., 2016. Shuffling services: Current trends in interacting with digital music. Interacting with Computers, 28(3), pp.352-371.

Whitmore, A., Agarwal, A. and Da Xu, L., 2015. The Internet of Things—A survey of topics and trends. Information Systems Frontiers, 17(2), pp.261-274.

Wiche, G., Osmanagic-Myers, S. and Castañón, M.J., 2015. Networking and anchoring through plectin: a key to IF functionality and mechanotransduction. Current opinion in cell biology, 32, pp.21-29.

Yassine, A., Rahimi, H. and Shirmohammadi, S., 2015. Software defined network traffic measurement: Current trends and challenges. IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, 18(2), pp.42-50.

Yuze, H., Nabeta, S. and Ito, Y., 2015, March. Development of Autonomous Anti-Disaster Base Station by Combination of Satellite and Wireless Networks. In Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA), 2015 IEEE 29th International Conference on (pp. 524-528). IEEE.


Options for High Speed Internet. 2017.

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