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Introduction - BSBWOR502 Leadership And Control 2
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Executive Summary
In this report, a discussion on open communication process was done wherein both formal and informal methods were enlisted. In addition to this, team performance and rationale for corrective actions were outlined. Also, group behaviour for building team cohesion are discussed. Furthermore, the role of coaching, training, and mentoring in supporting team members are discussed. At last, the issue resolution and strategies were discussed.
In the following report, the concept of teamwork and team performanceis covered. For that purpose, different ways by which manager can be able to maintain communication between all stakeholders. In addition to this, different methods to get outsider’s input for the team are enlisted. Furthermore, the group performance is analysed by evaluating group behaviour in building team cohesion. Also, ways to support team members are discussed along with conflict resolution strategies. At last, corrective actions are discussed to ensure that team goals are accomplished.
Ways to Maintain Open Communication Process between Stakeholders
There are some formal and informal methods would be used for maintaining open communication with the Stakeholders:-
Formal Methods
- Meetings:One of the widely used method of open communication in the business world. The meeting can be between two or more people. The agendas are discussed in such meeting (Marchewka, 2012).
- Conference Calls:When the stakeholders are located in remote places, nothing can be as good as conference calls. The dialogue can be initiated through this method. However, a strong internet service is required for effective verbal message to be delivered.
- Newsletter/Email:This strategy is quite formal and one way communication. The major benefit is that it can be made personalised for the stakeholders.
Informal Methods
- Voice Mail: With the help of voice mail, the leader can be more compelling. It can be used in case of urgency. Voice mail can be used to provide information to individual stakeholder or in a group (Marchewka, 2012).
- Hallway Conversation: these are short meetings taken by the leader to clear doubts and confusion. This is often called bathroom conversation.
Ways to Get Input from Outside of the Team
The inputs can be taken from outside by making use of several methods. These include consultancy firms, feedback from employees that used to be the part of the firm, and sending reports to experts for getting feedback.

Evaluation of Team Performance and Rationale behind Corrective Actions:
- Group Behaviour to Build Team Cohesion
In order to have a cohesive team, a lot of efforts are required including change in team’s attitude and behaviour. Talking about the group behaviour, the team member is required to trust one another. They should not be afraid of engaging themselves in conflict around a notion (Project Management Institute, 2013). They should not hesitate to disagree with other member. They should show commitment to decisions they have made. In addition to this, they are required to be more accountable and do not be hesitated for adhering or agreeing on decisions made by other. At last, they are required to be focused on achieving collective outcomes (Project Management Institute, 2013).
- Ways to Support Team Members
There are numerous methods or approaches to support the team members:-
- Coaching: Coaching begins by formulating expectations. The team member should understand the team goals and expectations of the leader. The leader should take feedback from members and then support them whenever possible.
- Mentoring: It is all about getting help and support from senior and experienced person of the team. The leader or senior member can share skills, knowledge, and insights with new members of the team. This would help in building a healthy and collaborative team environment (Shields& Rangarajan, 2013).
- Training: If the team requires a certain set of skills in the members to accomplish certain tasks, then the leader can arrange some training sessions for them. This would help them in gaining skills required for the tasks and also upgrade their current skills. This way the team leader can build the team (Project Management Institute, 2013).
- Resolution Techniques or Strategies
There are many ways of conflicting resolution. Some of them are:-
- Accommodating:It is about giving the opposite party what it is asking for. This is done to maintain a healthy and peaceful working environment. Most organisations make use of this approach as a primary conflict resolution tools while developing a resentment (Larson& Gray, 2015).
- Avoiding:The avoidance strategy focuses on putting off conflict for indefinite period. However, this can create other problems as the team leader ignores and delays the conflict.
- Collaborating:It is about clubbing the ideas given by multiple people. The main objective is to determine the creative solution that can be acceptable to every member of the team.
- Compromising:The compromising is all about calling both parties involved in the conflict to give up their current stand for establishing a mutually acceptable solutions. However, this can only take place when both sides have equal power and position (Project Management Institute, 2013).
Corrective Actions already taken to Ensure Goals are achieved
- Understanding team requirements:Seeking a great understanding of the team aspects and its requirement is the first step for creating a corrective system. In addition to this, gaining a better insight into the standards for various requirements is also one of the prerequisites of the task (Dima& Vladutescu, 2013).
- Planning the process:It is required for proper execution of the team working plan. It should address duties of the team members and more specifically, procedures and methods should be planned for completion of a task as a team.
- Developing success metrics:in order to check for the achievement of team goals, success metric is required to be prepared. For that purpose, certain parameters as defined in the earlier part are required to be tested on regular basis (Dima& Vladutescu, 2013).
- Providing Training: In order to upgrade the skills required for being the part of the team,necessary training sessions can be provided. This must include interactive learning sessions (Project Management Institute, 2013).
Before ending on the high note, it is concluded that in the following report, the idea of cooperation and group execution is secured. For that reason, various ways by which chief can have the option to keep up correspondence between all partners. Furthermore, various techniques to get untouchable's contribution for the group are enrolled. Moreover, the gathering execution is investigated by assessing bunch conduct in building group attachment. Likewise, approaches to help colleagues are talked about alongside compromise procedures. Finally, remedial activities are talked about to guarantee that group objectives are practiced.
- Dima, I. C., & Vladutescu, S. (2013). Certain Current Considerations on the Managerial Communication in Organizations.
- Larson, E. W., & Gray, C. F. (2015). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge: PMBOK (®) Guide. Project Management Institute.
- Marchewka, J. (2012). Information technology project management. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley &Sons. p.95.
- Project Management Institute, Inc. (2013). A guide to the project management body of knowledge(5th ed.). Newtown Square: Author. p.276.
- Shields, P. M., & Rangarajan, N. (2013). A playbook for research methods: Integrating conceptual frameworks and project management. New Forums Press.
- Taylor, C. R. (2000). Emerging issues in marketing. Psychology and Marketing, 17(6), 441–447. doi:10.1002/(sici)1520-6793(200006);2-z