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Introduction: The Impact Of Life Span Development On Later Life Outcomes
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Human stages of development have been area of interest for scholars for several decades. In the human stages development context, the Erikson stages of development theory and the Piaget development theory will be discussed, key arguments of this theory will be described, and certain limitations of this theory are also delineated. There are many stages of human development and those can be classified through biological, environmental, social, and cultural aspects (Merçon?Vargas et al. 22020). Those aspects are defined in this essay. The conclusion is provided of gathered information related to human development and its stages. Human development is necessary for the growth of society and humans are the main contributors in developing society, those attributes are discussed in this essay.
Key theories of human development
Erikson Stages of Development
Erikson's Stages of Development theory classified 8 stages of human development such as infancy, toddler, preschool age, school age, adolescence, and young adulthood. At the same time, the methodology of existing stage theories has serious issues and has been repeatedly criticised (KHUDOYAN, 2021). Erikson was a German psychologist, who demonstrated these 8 stages. He contributed to psychological as well as social theoretical studies. The Erikson theory is used by many psychologists these days. Erickson defines the infancy stage as development centres around trust and mistrust. this stage is started from birth and the ending of this stage until the baby reaches 18 months. While the baby cries, the parents fulfilled their needs by feeding and caring for them, at this moment the parents or others build trust. Toddlerhood is recognized as the second stage of human development; this stage begins after completing of 18 months of age and reaches between 2 and 3 years. This development is based on autonomy vs doubt. The preschool is recognised as stage 3 of human development and this stage consists the guilty and initiative. Then the early school stage comes, this stage begins until he completed the age of 6 and lasts till the age of 11. In this stage, the child can recognise its own individuality. Then adolescence stage comes. This stage exists from age 12 to 18, at this stage, the child can understand the identity crisis. Then comes middle adulthood and late adulthood.
Some advantages could be seen through this theory such as the direction of a healthy lifespan are provided by this theory, this theory provides a broad framework related to the lifespan (Zacher&Froidevaux, 2021). This theory describes the negative and positive poles of human psychological development. This theory is internationally recognisable but certain disadvantages and limitations are described by critics such as inexpert readers cannot understand it. Even critics say this theory is unable to explain the enormous personality, which is existed in different people. Some other critics say there is no sufficient proof related to Eriksons 8 stages of development theory. These 8 stages are refuted by critics and asked for adequate evidence of observation based on this theory.
Piaget theory of development
Jean Piaget demonstrated that intelligence changes as the child grows. The focus of this theory is experience, which serves as the main driving force in learning (BHETUWAL, 2022). This theory provides that cognitive development does not depend on how much a child acquires knowledge, the child must develop a psychological model of society. Piaget theory of development is formed with 4 stages sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operational stage, and formal operational stage. The Piaget theory presented that the sensorimotor stage begins from birth to 2 years, the preoperational stage begins from 2 years to 7 years, the concrete operational stage starts from 7 years to 11 years, formula operational stage begins from 12 years up. The jean Piaget worked at Binet Institute; his job was answering the French version of psychological questions in English. this theory describes that the sensorimotor stage goal is permanence and the concrete operational stage develops logical thoughts, formal operational stage develops scientific reasoning. The Piaget theory of human development reported that in this stage the child develops a belief system. In the sensorimotor stage, the child recognizes the world by its action as well as the cognitive skills and abilities are developed into the infant. Jean Piaget formed the sensorimotor stage by some characteristics and according to the theory those happen in this stage. The jean Piaget theory explains that every human is to cross each of the stages through the lifespan. In the preoperational stage, the child is unable to understand the quantity, the child assumes that the world thinks the same as the child thinks, those have been described by the “three mountain study”.

According to this Piaget, some strengths are claimed by this study such as it encourages more research, better understanding, and increasing the educational program. many limitations or weaknesses are shown by critics such as issues in formal operations, observation is limited and the observation is done through only a few children. The critics claimed that the theory provided only a continuous process, as well as it, was unable to classify the appropriate stages. Jean Piaget was a psychologist and this theory is goodwill in the psychological platform. Piaget theory has contributions related to the new mental process study and this theory is recognized as a practical-based theory.
Stages of human development and discuss how different factors can influence later life circumstances and outcomes
Infant Development
In the first stage of infancy, the child learns many kinds of stuff in this stage and while they feel for any basic needs the children start to cry (Yafie et al. 2020). Then the parents fulfil their needs. While the parents fulfil their needs, then the child starts to rely on their parents. In this stage, the child develops a trust system.
Toddler Development
In this stage, the child develops some biological attributes like he can moving around and in this stage the child develops a shame system and the parents should special care for them. Then the child feels for a cloth to cover his body. In this stage environment of its growth should be positive, as a positive environment helps the baby to grow positive attributes. In this stage, the baby learns everything they see, therefore parents should be careful of their behaviours.
Preschooler Development
In this stage the child learns to speak, they speak what they want for example the child may say that he or she is sad just because their friend stole a toy (Li & Tomasello, 2022). Speaking is crucial for every human being and children try to speak when it feels to say anything in this stage. Even the child feels guilty through the preschool development stage(Yuldashov&Robilova, 2022). The child is attached to the environmental process and many biological growths can be described.
Middle Childhood Development
When they start school, they start to compare themselves with peers, they try to cross them in many aspects, When the child wins any competition against the peer, the confidence level increases (Cross et al. 2019). Then they subsequently try to compete with others and in this stage, they adopt many goals to achieve. When the child loses, it feels sad and confidence is a crucial aspect of lifespan. The child asserts themselves through social competition.
Adolescent Development
In this stage, the child gets to know the identity crisis and identity is one of the major parts of life. Even in this stage, the child's confusion system is developed, which must not be enhanced in the child (Al-Jarf, 2023). The parents must take sufficient care not to grow the confusion and randomly bring confidence to them and it will be helpful for biological as well as social growth. In this stage, the human is influenced by the social and environment.
Adult Development
In this stage the human comes to a relationship or does marriage, it is an important aspect of social activity. Through maintaining the relationship human takes emotional and social benefits (Settersten Jr et al. 2020). At this stage, they try to contribute to the society. In the adult stage, they raise its children and develop a career. In this stage humans do not get influenced by the environment or any biological factors, rather they try to cope with every situation, in addition, they feel curious about different cultures and try to learn new things.
Brief conclusion concerning the impact of life span development on later life outcomes
In the infant stage, the child only believes in the parents because it fulfils all the needs, through this the parents build a belief among them. through this belief, they believe more in their parents, through this belief later the child takes cares its parents. In the middle childhood stage, child starts to compare themselves with its peers. then it adopts competition against peers it can be seen that in this stage massive biological development happens during this stage, which influences their professional life later(Penfold & Polka, 2020). School bullying affects the lives of many children (Rambaran et al. 2020). In the adult stage, the human comes into the relationship, which gives them emotional benefits. In the middle childhood development stage, they assert themselves with competition, thus the get more social and economic benefits from these.
In this essay, it is discussed about the human development stages and their impacts on social, biological, and environmental factors. This essay discussed the human lifespan and the growth of every aspect. The Erikson human development theory describes 8 stages of human development and it has several of benefits some statements from critics, which criticized the whole of the theory and against its process. This essay is much important to understand the lifespan of humans and it brings a lot of information, which might be useful for psychological studies.
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