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Introduction: Sexual Harassment In Marriot Westin Perth Hotel Hotel, Australia
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Sexual harassment is a “type' of “harassment” that includes the use of implicit or explicit sexual overtones; it has inappropriate and unwelcome promises of “rewards” in exchange for “sexual” favors. The harassment can “either” be verbal or physical, or can be both. “Sexual involves a range of actions from sexual abuse to verbal transgression or assault. Harassment can occur in any social setting, from the workplace to religious institutions. The victims can be of any gender, and in legal contexts, “sexual harassment” is illegal (Mensah, 2022). The sexual harassment faced by employees in the hotel industry is around 39 percent, which was found by “The Australian Human Rights Commission.” This report is essential as it helps deliver the messages to the people and spreads awareness that it can happen to anyone (Robinson, Oren & Riordan, 2022). This report inbuilt strong aim as well as purpose in order to generate strong futility at subjugate basis. The concern aim of the study is to undermine the phases of sexual harassment in marriot (westin perth hotel) hotel, Australia.
The protection of the female employees must be improved, and the behavior of the other employees must be in check so that any misconduct would not be incorporated.
Harassment can happen to anyone, but in most cases, the problem is with female employees, who must deal with these circumstances. The problems faced by the person who has suffered sexual harassment can take a toll on their life and affect them permanently, causing post-traumatic stress, chronic health problems, substance abuse, depression, relationship problems, and employment difficulties. These problems harm the person and destroy the future, as the person has to face many things. Sexual harassment causes a lot of damage to the hotel industry, loss of a customer due to a bad reputation, a decrease in the employees' morale, affecting their sales, revenue and profit, and brand value in the market. It also affects the hotel's turnover, and it faces difficulties recruiting new employees due to bad reputation and traumatic work environment (Foley et al., 2022). The report includes the purpose of complaining against the report, implementation of the “amendment, risks faced by the hotel industry, and opportunities to nullify this problem by using significant acts and sections, including the Prohibition of “sexual harassment” under the Fair Work Act.
Treatment of the problem is divided into various aspects.
Implication of amendment nurtures 3 types of workplace-associated harassment: verbal or handwritten, visual, and virtual. Among them, the most common and effective was physical.
Implications of the amendment
Going through the valuable report and Statistics of the “Australian Human Rights Commission or AHRC,” almost “40%” of employees involved in hotel and food-related industries who participated in the survey of “2018-19”. Concerning to the phases the sexually deflated aspects has rose previous 5-6 years so far. Sexual harassment in hotels is a big problem now across the world, and unfortunately, Australia is ranked as one of the leading countries in performing such nasty and shameful activity (Nimriet. al, 2021). There are too many risks while working in a hotel for long hours. In between, some workers try to disturb other colleagues with unhealthy conversations or physical activities that can be very irritating and unexpected for the colleagues to accept.
It was disappointing and shameful that even the “Marriot” or the “Westin Perth Hotel” in Australia have faced the same allegation for their poor behavior and tendency to sexually harass young ladies and gents who joined the hotel(Kilson, 2022).According to “Part 3-5A of the Fair Work Act,” which helps prohibit sexual harassment related to the workplace. A person should not sexually harass.
Physical harassment is an unwanted sexual approach or requests for the favors of sex. It can be done through comments, jokes, etc., whether verbal or physical activity related to sexual conduct. Under the Act of Fair Work, one can be responsible for the harassment witnessed by an employee involved in a particular work, including the “employer's contravention”(Breckenridge et. al, 2022). The authorities must take proper action and necessary steps to stop such crimes.
The amendments to the “SDA” or “Discrimination Act 1984 of sex” stated the positive duty applicable to every staff engaged in a particular profession or business aspects to take the “proportionate and reasonable” procedure to separate the unlawful discrimination of sex, such as harassment sexually, as much as possible in “2022-23”. The harassment can be against the rules if the staff is treated less favorably depending on their character rather than professional activity in the workplace or hotel (Zhang, 2020). It can be for his or her “race, sex, pregnancy, marital status, breastfeeding, age, disability, sexual desire, gender,” etc. The concerned has wider mode of impacts like potential liabilities, so the hotel may face reputational damage and has decreased trust or loyalty of the employees in the company. Moreover, it can result in high turnover, and the HR management can meet hard work recruiting new jobseekers.
It is unfair to discriminate depending on the attributes with “age, disability, race, sex, status of intersex, gender in certain areas of lifestyle like employment and education in the case of “Australia.” Under Section 13 of the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act in 2007-08”, if any individual is trying to stalk or intimidate by fearing another person who is not interested or feels uncomfortable and causing physical or mental damage, will be punished by the court for at least “5 years” in jail. They even need to pay approximately “50 penalty units” for this. According to the act “Prohibition of harassment”,
at any hotel or workplace like “Marriot,” if any woman is facing sexual misbehavior and complains about “sexual harassment,” it will be directly connected to “incidental thereto.”It will help reduce such unwanted and hateful crimes in the country.
There is a great importance of the Fair Work Act of “2009-10” which was targeting for the “introduction of a national workplace relations system that sets minimum standards and conditions” for every worker and gives s the “legal framework for employer-employee relations” in almost every corporate sector in Australia. The rate of harassment is also high in Australia right now (Breckenridge et al., 2022).
As per the record of “the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS),” girls above “18 years and over are the nature and extent of violence experienced since the age 16% of women and almost 5% of men have faced sexual harassment”. Any kind of threats, abuse, or physical harassment can be criminal offenses, but one cannot take legal action if the harassment is not sufficient to be domestic violence. Then, it will be considered as “sexual harassment or stalking” in Australia.

Risks and opportunities
The risk of sexual harassment in hotels in Australia can be higher if an employee is in a position of low working diversity (Nimri et. al, 2021). The aspects has face it from the higher authority due to their weak financial condition or lack of power. It is unfortunate and thinks to worry about them if the company is not friendly and cooperating with them. The workplace culture must not support or tolerate undesirable sexual or other types of harassment during working hours or even outside the hotel or office. It is true that for this reason, one employee can ruin the successful career of another employee. They can even go through suicidal faces due to trauma or depression. There are so many risk factors that can occur in “The Westin Perth Hotel” or any other workplace for the issue of harassment and violence problems. These can be the clients, customers, or co-workers' characteristics (Zhang,2020). It can damage the working environment, the ambiance and culture of the hotel or environment, and many more internal or external factors affiliated with the company.
There are some practical ways to prevent sexual harassment in hotels or any workplace in Australia, like the formation of the “Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (E.E.O.C)” in Marriot to have an open discussion with the victim and take necessary steps to prevent such kind of physical torture from the owner or respective hotel managers or any higher designated employees of the company (Breckenridge et. al, 2022). The commission can deal with such crucial problems and give proper judgment to the victims. Equally, they can punish those responsible for such unwanted misbehavior in the corporate world. Developing some anti-harassment policies as the code of conduct is also essential for all housekeepers and workers so that they will have the right to protect themselves in emergencies. The employees should have proper training for their safety concerns.
They should complain to the right persons, not only thinking or afraid of the opponent person's designations, prestige, or reputation (Kilson, 2022). They should not be provoked by money or fear of any threat. Each section of the hotel must have a proper system. of reporting time so that the authority can keep track of the performance and activity of every employee. It should be a priority for the brand to stop any kind of sexual harassment of any company workers. As all of the well-skilled and potential employees are giving their best effort and time for the hotel, it is their responsibility for the authority to secure their self-respect as well. They must apply strict rules and regulations to make the workplace safer and more secure for women. They have to be punctual about the hotel opening and closing timings as well as the shifting timing of the employees. It will help to maintain the reputation of the hotel.
The sexual harassment problem can be treated by passing the amendment, Prohibition of “sexual harassment” under the Fair Work “Act” and through this legislation and law. The hotel can create an opportunity to mitigate this type of action, Sexual harassment, which affects the person's life and the image and brand of the hotel. The hotel can develop a “code of conduct” and “anti-harassment policy.” The policy should be communicating with employees stating harassment and discrimination and stated to be illegal and unacceptable.
Conducting some training sessions on anti-harassment where all employees should participate. The complaints should be taken seriously by the managers, whether its harassment from housekeepers or managers. The superior should take the complaints seriously and encourage workers to report them immediately (Traliant, 2023). This conduction would help in creating the opportunity to mitigate sexual harassment and promote the brand of the hotel, to increase customer engagement and talented employee recruitment; this opportunity would help in decreasing the sexual harassment cases, and by this, the employee would feel safer.
The study summarizes the concluded that sexual harassment is illegal and causes significant trauma to the victim and 39 percent of the employees suffer from sexual harassment in Australia. This sexual harassment also affects the hotel and its brand, which affects its reputation, customer engagement, and low recruitment of employees. Implementation of amendment Prohibition of sexual harassment under Fair Work Act This law would help in decreasing the harassment cases. The aspects has contained the treatment of the “problem.” implication of “amendment”, the risk associated with it and the factors affecting the firm and the opportunities created to mitigate the problem of sexual harassment so that the hotel can increase its brand value, these opportunities include code off conducts, anti-harassment training. Ignoring complaints, the recommendation is made on legal compliance and employer- employee relations which would improve communication, trust, loyalty, and make the workforce more productive helping in creating a better environment of work and safety for the employee.
Two evidence-based recommendations must be implemented to improve the hotel industry workplace so the e employees feel better. Because of this, the reputation of the hotel remains strong.
The first recommendation is on “Legal compliance.”
Enhancing and introducing new acts would help stop such sexual harassment cases, which affect the person's life and the hotel's reputation. The harassment case in Marriot Hotel of “Westin Perth Hotel” has affected the brand tremendously, causing its reputation, decrease in revenue, lower image in the market, and lower recruitment of employees. This also caused trauma to the person, so to stop this type of incident, the hotel has included a new law. This article examines the Effects of sexual harassment on the legal profession, weighing up the “efficacy” of the legislative “provision” applying an amendment to the Prohibition of “sexual harassment” under the Fair Work Act (Journals.sagepub, 2023). This act states that the employee or worker must not sexually harass another worker in a particular business or undertaking. The punishment under the law for the act is imprisonment for 3 years and this can go up to seven years, and the person who has been accused is also liable for a fine.
This implementation of the act would help the company increase its reputation and brand value because there would be fear among the employees; this fear would stop them from committing this type of work, and this decreasing rate would help the business increase customers and engagement and would be able to make them trust again about the brand. The engagement would help them improve their image, and increase the sales, and provide new strategies to attract by giving offers that would help them build customer loyalty (Journals.sagepub, 2023). This increased loyalty would improve its revenue. Improving and enhancing the laws and terms and conditions of the hotel legislative structure would help in mitigating these types of harassment cases and would give safety to the person who became victim to such acts, theses would increase the productivity of the workforce and better communication among the department which would help hotel stay stable, and any minor conduction of these type of act would be the determination of the person who is associated with the accusation and performed such kind of act.
The second recommendation is improving “employer” employees relation in “long-term”
Developing a better relationship between the employer and its workers would help build better trust. Our argument considering unanticipated “consequences” of the general context of the organization is consistent with prior “research” on sexual harassment and recommends that the context of the general organization and work group culture (Journals.sagepub, 2023). This would generate high loyalty and increased morale in the work.This implementation act would help create a dependency on the employer so that the employee can stay tension free from the sexual harassment.
Creating a strict environment and keeping a check on every employee by monitoring them help the employer to give its loyalty to the employees so that there would be no nervousness or fear in working. By this, the employee can stay free and be productive at work. This increased trust in the employees, which would help recruit more talented employees. This would help in better communication, better quality of work, and a better workforce. The employer must punish the employee by terminating the person who committed the crime. This creates a sense of security for the employee and helps in retaining the talented employees. This builds a better image of the brand, and through this, “Westin Perth” can increase its sales, have better revenue, increase productive workforce which would provide satisfaction to customers by quality service which would help in increasing profit .
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