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Introduction: Psycho Intervention Practice
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The therapeutic interventions are being defined as way to manage the disease of a patient or to cure the injury of the person. These are different types of interventions or methods through which a nurse or any Healthcare professional can treat the patient well. A person suffers from many different diseases and it is not message very that every disease is being solved by medicines. Hence for these different kinds of diseases like depression anxiety suicidal tendencies they need to be used some interventions. The current essay will outline the use of cognitive behavioural theory as therapeutic intervention for treating the person suffering from depression.
The current study includes the consumer or the patient who is suffering from depression. Within this highly competitive environment there are many different people suffering from many issues. Ends as a result of this issue people tend to get into depression. Many people suffers from issues like anxiety, depression, attempts to suicide and much other different kind of stress and other mental diseases (Karyotaki and, 2021). Thus in order to solve these problems a therapeutic approach or intervention is being used. This is particularly because it is not necessary that every person is being treated well with medicines. Hence in some cases it is necessary to use the therapeutic interventions as well to treat the person well. In the present case of a person suffering from depression the use of CBT that is cognitive behavioural theory is being undertaken.
Process of engagement and maintenance of therapeutic relationship
The CBT that is cognitive behaviour theory is an intervention which can also be stated as talking therapy. This theory is being based over the concept which includes the feelings physical sensation and thoughts of a person. The major aim of this therapy is to solve the problem of a person by talking to them and understanding their problem and finding solution to it. For the effective using of CBT the person or the nurses listen to the problem of the person and try to break them into smaller parts and then try to solve it and provide some creative solutions to the person (What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)? 2023). Other than depression the CBT is used in many other different kind of diseases like bipolar disorder, personality disorders, sleeping problems, alcohol addiction, post traumatic stress disorder and many other different kind of diseases.
The major benefit of using the CBT is pattern it involves the personal communication with the patient and this makes the more comfortable with the nurse or Healthcare practitioner. The different CBT sessions are being conducted by the nurse or the doctor within which they try to understand the problem of the patient and doctor thoroughly (van der Zweerde and, 2019). The CBT sessions are being conducted by the therapist either once a week or once every 2 week. This treatment course last for around 6 to 20 sessions where and every session is of 30 to 60 minutes according to the problem of the person. The main process of engagement with the patient is only communication. The therapist can effectively and concisely communicate with the patient and try to solve the problems effectively. During the sessions the therapist tried to understand the problem of the patient by different ways. The therapist many times asks for the same questions in different ways so that they can identify the major issue of the patient. This practice is being particularly undertaken because the same question as being asked many a times then the actual problem of the person can be highlighted. In addition to this when effective and continuous communication is being the done by the therapist then patient is comfortable and speak out everything even if they do not want to talk.
For the effective maintenance of therapeutic relationship therapist need to be very patient and soft spoken. This is particularly necessary because when a person suffers from any disease than they are not in right frame of mind and might act abnormally. Hence when the rapist will be patient and sensitively handle the matters then they are in position to solve the problem of the patient. And for the effective maintenance of relationship then needs to be patience and sensitivity within the therapist (Etzelmueller and, 2020). Also the patients help therapist to effectively understand the problem and try to solve it patiently. Hence for the effective maintenance of the therapeutic relationship they needs to be different kind of skills to be possessed like empathy problems solving leaders ship and many other different kind of skills. All these skills healthy therapist to understand the problem of the patient and tried to solve it effectively.

Implementation of strategies, its effectiveness, challenges, ethical consideration and consumer perspective
For the effective implementation of the strategies relating to use of cognitive behavioural therapy there are different steps which need to be followed by the therapist. The first step of the therapy includes making a list. This list will included two different columns where in the one column includes the old thoughts and the other column relates to the replacement thought. This is the first step wherein therapist decide that what is the problem of the person and record it in the old thoughts and within the replacement thoughts try to find the solutions to the problem. Another step with in this process includes the recording of the unproductive thought. In this step to record the thoughts which are unproductive for the patient (5 Easy Steps to Changing Your Thinking Using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), 2023). These unproductive thought are the major issue which creates negative impact over the health of the person. Further next step includes creating replacement also. These replacement thoughts will help the patient in solving the unproductive thoughts. The replacement thoughts provides a base to the patient in solving the problem and to replace the unproductive thought with good one.
Further the next step involves reading your list often. Within this step the patient is asked to read this list often so that they can check the things which are not good and how it can be improved with the replacement thoughts. The last step is notice and replace. Within this step the patient notices all the negative points or the thought through which they were not feeling well and were depressed. This step assist the people in noticing it and then replacing it with the thoughts which are good. It will also help the person to remember that all these thoughts must not be remembered again and this will help person to not get depressed again with the same thought.
The implementing of the steps will create a positive impact over the recovery of the patient. This is particularly for the reason that when the problem is being listened patiently then this will be improving the health and mental level of the person. Also, it is necessary for the therapist that they must work ethically so that it does not hurt the sentiments and feeling of the patient (Manber and, 2019). It is because of the reason that while discussing the therapist might say something which is not good for patient. Hence, in this condition, the patient might feel much low as the talking with therapist might make them feel bad.
Along with this there were also different challenges being faced by therapist while complying with CBT. The major challenge faced was that this therapy is not suitable for people suffering from severe mental problems. This is particularly because of the reason that when person is having complex metal issues then they will not be in state of talking well. Thus, this will be affecting the use of therapy and the intended outcome will not be attained. In addition to this another challenge faced was the confronting of feeling and emotions of the patient. This was the major challenge as when the person was sharing the problem with therapist then at that time they get emotional and this affects the effective communication. When the person is emotional then they are not in proper state of mind and many a times some important facts can be missed and this affects the implementation of the whole therapy.
Moreover, the perspective of patient is positive towards the therapy as this assist them to get proper solutions to their problem. When therapist talks to patient and make them comfortable then they are in position to share their problem easily. Hence, with this the problem is being solved very easily by the therapist and this makes the patient more comfortable.
Development of skill
With the application of CBT, I was in position to develop many different types of skills which will be helpful in my future working. The major skill which I learnt with this that I must listen patiently. This is particularly because of the reason that when I will not listen well then it might be possible that some key point is being missed by me and this can affect the application of CBT. In case I will listen properly then this will assist me in solving the problem of patient well and better results will be provided to them. Another skills which I learnt from the application of CBT to patient suffering from depression is empathy. This is another major skill which need to be present in the therapist. This is particularly necessary because empathy assist in imaging the situation of the patient situation and try to understand their mood and feeling. When a person keeps themselves in the situation of others then only they can understand what can be done to solve the problem.
Hence, for the implementation of these skill I need to effectively communicate with others so that my listening skills and empathy can be improved. This is very essential because when I will be communicating well then I will be in position to understand the problem well. This proper understanding will further help me finding the solutions well and will be in position to treat the patient well (Li and, 2020). In addition to this, there are many other different skills as well which need to be adapted by the therapist like sensitivity and understanding, ability to accept criticism, good verbal communication skills, patience and capability to be calm in stressful situation and many other different types of skills.
The above essay concluded that the using the different intervention is very helpful for the effective providing of treatment to patient suffering from mental diseases. It was outlined that the use of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is very assistive in treating the patient as it allows the therapist to talk to patient calmly and try to understand their problem. Hence, this provides a better solution to the problem and patient can be treated well. At last the skills learnt were discussed which includes effective listening and empathy skill.
Books and Journals
- Etzelmueller, A., Vis, C., Karyotaki, E., Baumeister, H., Titov, N., Berking, M., ... & Ebert, D. D. (2020). Effects of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy in routine care for adults in treatment for depression and anxiety: systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of medical Internet research. 22(8). e18100.
- Karyotaki, E., Efthimiou, O., Miguel, C., genannt Bermpohl, F. M., Furukawa, T. A., Cuijpers, P., ... & Forsell, Y. (2021). Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for depression: a systematic review and individual patient data network meta-analysis. JAMA psychiatry. 78(4). 361-371.
- Li, J., Li, X., Jiang, J., Xu, X., Wu, J., Xu, Y., ... & Xu, X. (2020). The effect of cognitive behavioral therapy on depression, anxiety, and stress in patients with COVID-19: a randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in psychiatry. 11. 580827.
- Manber, R., Bei, B., Simpson, N., Asarnow, L., Rangel, E., Sit, A., & Lyell, D. (2019). Cognitive behavioral therapy for prenatal insomnia: a randomized controlled trial. Obstetrics and gynecology. 133(5). 911.
- van der Zweerde, T., Bisdounis, L., Kyle, S. D., Lancee, J., & van Straten, A. (2019). Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia: a meta-analysis of long-term effects in controlled studies. Sleep medicine reviews. 48. 101208.
- Online
- 5 Easy Steps to Changing Your Thinking Using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). 2023. [Online]. Available through: <>
- What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)? 2023. [Online]. Available through: <