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Nutritional Program & Health Policy for Indigenous NT Workers Assignment Sample

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Introduction: Nutritional Program & Health Policy for Indigenous NT Workers

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Healthy workplace policy is defined as the policy which outlines the objectives of the business and the measures of attaining it relating to health and safety of the people working. For the companies to be successful it is very necessary that proper and good workplace policies are prepared. The current study is based on The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO). This organization works to improve the health outcomes of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (ATSI) present in Australia. The current report will outline the community and problem identification within it. Further, the stakeholder and determinant analysis along with capacity analysis will take place. In addition to this, the mandate for action and the different intervention research will be taking place with the risk assessment as well. In the end, the logic modelling will take place and the implementation and evaluation planning will take place.

Main Body

Community engagement

A community is defined as a group of people who live and work together. For the government to manage the country it is necessary to keep the community engaged. This is very necessary for the government to keep all the community members engaged so that the working of the country can be improved. For effective community engagement, it is necessary for the government of Australia that they must focus on different principles which include empowering the community, equity, diversity and participation. For the effective evaluation of the community and its needs, the use of different strategies like analysing the history of the community, values and beliefs followed by them, demographic information and others also need to be evaluated (About NACCHO, 2022). The thorough research on this basis will help the government and NACCHO to understand the community and try to improve the working. The current community which is analysed is the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders which belongs to the indigenous community in Australia.

Problem identification and analysis

With the evaluation of the community selected, it is analysed that the major problem which they face is that there is not any proper and healthy workplace policy. This affects the working of the indigenous people working in the corporate sector. Hence, it is very necessary for NACCHO that they must focus on developing good and effective workplace policies for the indigenous people (Fredericks and Bradfield, 2021). There is action need to be taken for the development of the policy because it will help in solving the problem well and try to uplift the indigenous people. In case these changes are not made then it will affect the working of indigenous society. Further when these changes are not implemented then it will deprive the group of society and working will be impacted. The goal is to improve nutrition in indigenous communities with the help of working on healthy workplace policy.

Stakeholder analysis

Stakeholder analysis is defined as the process through which the information is gathered in order to understand the needs and preferences of the stakeholders of the business. The stakeholders are the people who are interested in the working and profitability of the business. The different stakeholders within NACCHO include the community, employees, management team, financiers and all the other people who are interested in the effective working of the company. All these stakeholders are categorised into different groups like core and peripheral stakeholders. The core stakeholders are the ones who are essential for the company and its management. On the other side, peripheral stakeholders are the ones who are secondary to the work of the company. Hence, for the effective making and formulating of healthy workplace policy with aim of improving nutrition, it is necessary for NACCHO that they include all the stakeholders at the time of decision-making. This is necessary because the stakeholders are interested in the success of the company so they will provide better suggestions to the company.

Determinant analysis

For the effective management of working in NACCHO, the analysis of external factors like social, economic, environmental and individual factors is very necessary. This is pertaining to the fact that the working of this business is affected by these factors to a great extent. With the help of this determinant factor, it is clear that societal and economic changes affect the working of NACCHO. This is pertaining to the fact that within the society the indigenous people are not treated well and as a result of this, the working is affected to a great extent (Markham and Smith, 2020). This is because the reason that indigenous category is the most underprivileged society and it is often discarded. Thus, it is very necessary for NACCHO that they formulate policies for healthy workplace working with regard to improving nutrition. With the help of determinant analysis, it is clear that there is a requirement to develop strategies relating to health and safety at the workplace for the improvement of nutritional intake for the Indigenous society of Australia.

Capacity analysis

In the current working of NACCHO, the company does not have a good workplace safety policy. This is the major gap within the working of the company because due to the lack of this policy, the employees are not feeling safe and as a result of this their work is affected to a great extent (Fredericks, Best and Ward, 2021). The capacity of the current company is aimed to add the workplace health policy with regards to improving nutritional value into the application so that working can be managed and improved for the indigenous people. In addition to this, NACCHO will be focusing on developing the workplace health policy with respect to the nutritional intake of indigenous people which will result in better performance and will be able to operate at different levels.

Mandate for action

With regards to the Healthy Workplace Policy, the government of Australia already has many different policy and provision which guides companies in managing health and safety. The government of Australia has made many different types of provisions within the health and safety policy of the country. It includes provisions relating to different aspects like the emergency plan, first aid, working in extreme weather conditions, working with remote team members and many other different types of provisions. For the effective working of NACCHO, it is very necessary that all these aspects are included within the working and making of policy. This will provide a base to NACCHO for making an effective healthy workplace policy. Along with this, NACCHO must also analyse the other national and organizational policies relating to health and safety.

Intervention, research and strategy

With the help of earlier experience and other research, it is clear that the nutritional intake of indigenous people is very low and this needs to be improved. In the views of Smith and (2019) currently indigenous Australians have very little access to nutritious food. This is pertaining to the fact that the group comes under poverty and remoteness and as a result of this the nutritious food is very less for this type of group. Currently, there is insecurity relating to food for the indigenous society and as a result of this the working is affected of the group and as a result of this proper food is not present for this group of people. This group of people are more vulnerable and cannot afford healthy food.

Risk assessment

While undertaking the present study based on improving the nutritional food for ATSI there are many different types of the risk involved. This includes the health risk which people faces due to not consuming healthy food. It affects the body of the person and as a result of this, the working efficiency is affected to a great extent for the person (Riley, 2020). The risk of improving the nutritional intake of ATSI might include objections from the upper class of society. This can cause risk to the ATSI because the upper class of the country might not like proper nutrition provided to the lower class of the country. Hence, it is very necessary for NACCHO, that they effectively make strategies for improving the level of nutritional food intake for ATSI as well. Also, it is necessary for the company that they must prioritise all the strategies effectively so that the work can be managed in a proper and effective manner.

Action statement

With the above evaluation, it is clear that the goal of the current study is to improve nutrition for the indigenous community of Australia which is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. The evaluation of the above discussion it clear that there is a high requirement to improve the working pattern of NACCHO so that proper and good quality food can be provided to the underprivileged part of society which is ATSI. With the help of the above discussion, it is clear that the Australian government has made different types of laws relating to the treatment of ATSI and according to it proper action needs to be taken (Mahoney and Fleming, 2020). The intervention which can be used for the effective promotion of food includes providing affordable food and increasing the food retail system which is managed by government authorities or any other regulatory body. This is essential for the reason that it will improve and increase the intake of nutritional food intake for indigenous people.

Logic modelling

The major problem identified in the present case was that good and nutritional food is not provided to the indigenous population of the country. Thus, this was the major point of discussion which took place above and different strategies were also identified for improvement. The activities need to be planned in a logical manner so that proper outcomes can be attained. For this, the logical model includes the following steps


The current situation includes the fact that the Aboriginal Torres and strait islanders are not provided with effective and good food (Rebuli and 2023). This is the major situation for which NACCHO need to work so that this situation can be improved and as a result of this effective solutions can be provided.


The input made for solving the current problem included effective and in-depth market research. This was done in order to ensure that all the latest data relating to the food deficiency of indigenous people in Australia can be gathered. For this different articles and journals relating to the current topic were taken as input and it was discussed in a little detail for the evaluation.


The output included detailed knowledge and analysis relating to the research topic and also views of different authors were identified. Along with this, the output included the fact that there are different measures which could have been taken to improve the working conditions of indigenous people within the country.


The outcome of the current research was that it was outlined that it is the responsibility of the government and the other regulatory bodies that effectively support the Aboriginal people for better providing of food. The outcome analysis highlighted that the government and NACCHO must organise some events and nutritional programs to distribute food among the group of indigenous people so that they can consume it. In addition to this another strategy outline included opening healthy food retail stores managed by the government or the other regulatory bodies. This needs to be done because it will help in distributing good and nutritional food among the indigenous and other underprivileged people.

External influences

The external influence is caused by the different types of political parties and other people who support the high-class people more (LoGiudice and 2023). This is pertaining to the fact that these people try to promote the upper class more and discriminate against the people belonging to the lower class especially the indigenous people.

Implementation and evaluation planning

For the effective management of the activities to be performed for the upliftment of indigenous people, the implementation needs to be undertaken in proper and effective manner. This is very necessary for the reason that in case the planned activities are not implemented well then the objective will not be attained well. Hence, for implementing the planned strategy the total budget of AUD$25000 is required approximately. In addition to this budget, there are also some of the skills required which will help in the effective implementation of the strategies of improvement (Campbell and 2019). These skills include time management, coordination, communication, team and many other related skills. All these skills need to be present among the people working on improving the nutritional intake of ATSI. This is necessary as these skills will help them apply all the planned strategies better and try to improve the work. Along with this, the different resources include a place for distributing food, money, labour, machines, transportation vehicles and many other related resources. All these resources need to be used effectively as it will help in improving the efficiency of the planned activities.



Human resource


Research and development






Contingency fund










Managing implementation

For the attainment of the objectives it is very necessary that all the planned activities are performed well. This is necessary because in case these planned activities are not performed well then it will impact the working of the project. For the effective management of the implementation of the plan, the use KPI that is Key Performance Indicators is used. This is particularly used by NACCHO in order to ensure that the planned activities have taken place in the intended manner. Within the KPI different indicators relating to the performance are set and then the actual performance is compared with the standards (Riley, 2020). In case the actual performance is in accordance with the standard then it implies that the project of providing nutritional food has become successful. The use of KPI is a good tool for monitoring the performance well and as a result of this, NACCHO will also come to know about the areas in which they lacking. Thus, with the help of this, the performance and implementation of the plan can be improved in a better and more effective manner.

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In the end, it is concluded that developing a nutritional program is very necessary for the upliftment of the community. In the present case, the community included was Aboriginal Torres and Strait Islander belonging to Australia. The above study highlighted that this community is not provided with effective nutritional food as they are underprivileged. In addition to this it was also concluded that effective stakeholder analysis need to be done so that decision can be taken relating to providing nutrition to the aboriginals. Along with this the evaluation of logical modelling was undertaken with included the whole process of attaining the objective of providing nutrition to the aboriginals. In the end it was analyse that the use of KPI is helpful in evaluating the success of the project and effective implementation of the steps undertaken.


Books and Journals

  • Campbell, S., Jongen, C., Kinchin, I., Doran, C., & McCalman, J. (2019). Transition of primary healthcare services in Yarrabah to community control. Project report for Gurriny Yealamucka Health Service and Queensland Health. Cairns: Centre for Indigenous Health Equity Research, Central Queensland University.
  • Fredericks, B., & Bradfield, A. (2021). Indigenous Australians and COVID-19: Highlighting ongoing food security issues. International Journal of Home Economics, 14(1), 53-65.
  • Fredericks, B., Best, O., & Ward, R. (2021). Community controlled health services: What they are and how they work. Yatdjuligin: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nursing and Midwifery Care, 121.
  • LoGiudice, D., Hughson, J., Douglas, H., Wenitong, M., & Belfrage, M. (2023). Culturally safe, trauma-informed approach to cognitive impairment and dementia in older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Australian Journal of General Practice, 52(8), 505-511.
  • Mahoney, R., & Fleming, M. L. (2020). Promoting health in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Health Promotion in the 21st Century: New approaches to achieving health for all. Allen & Unwin, London, 88-116.
  • Markham, F., & Smith, D. (2020). Indigenous Australians and the COVID 19 crisis: perspectives on public policy.
  • Rebuli, M., Baker, S., Fraser, J., Chelberg, G., Wright-Pedersen, S., Gallegos, D., & Mahoney, R. (2023). Household Food Insecurity Screening for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.
  • Riley, B. (2020). Energy security on remote Aboriginal communities during the COVID-19 crisis. In Indigenous Australians and the COVID 19 crisis: Perspectives on public policy. Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, ANU.
  • Smith, J., Christie, B., Bonson, J., Adams, M., Osborne, R., Judd, B., ... & Fleay, J. (2019). Health literacy among young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males in the Northern Territory. Darwin: Menzies School of Health Research.


  • About NACCHO. 2022. [Online]. Available through: <>
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