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Introduction: Relationship & Communication Being Present to the Palliative Care Patient
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It is crucial for healthcare service providers to ensure that they focus on establishing effective relationships, as well as communication with the service users when providing palliative care. Palliative care is the care service provided to the individuals who were terminally ill and it is also provided to their families as well. In this context, the focus can be given to the conversation with Dorothy, who is under palliative care and the individual has been diagnosed with cancer. The impact of establishing effective communication, as well as understanding the relationship the individual shares with fellow individuals and family members are supposed to be taken into consideration in this regard.
Impact of considering relationships, as well as communication
Establishing effective communication, as well as building relationships is essential while providing a person with palliative care. Influenced by the ideas of Saunders, Jackson & Visram (2021), the lack of effective communication can lead individuals to face difficulty while accessing a particular service in the healthcare industry. Moreover, this often does not allow the health care professionals to understand the conditions of the individuals including their mental health while providing them with necessary services under palliative care. For instance, according to the conversation with Dorothy, the individual is diagnosed with cancer, and she is grief-stricken after she had lost her husband to cancer 9 months ago. The individual has also lost her sister and she has a medical history which indicates that she is suffering from cardiac problems as well. Thus, losing dearest ones and suffering from a fatal disease like cancer has usually affected Dorothy's life.
The focus can also be given to the fact that the individual shares a good relationship with her daughter who also provided her with necessary support after the demise of her sister. However, the individual lives in Queensland and possesses a family consisting of her kids, as well as husband and it often becomes difficult for her to visit Dorothy regularly. As per the views of Patrício et al. (2020), it is crucial for health care professionals to understand the state of mind of service uers, as well as their family members to ensure that they are provided with proper care as per their requirements in a particular situation. The focus can be given to the fact that the son of Dorothy was devastated after the demise of his father and when Dorothy was also suffering from a serious illness it became difficult for the individual to grasp. In this context, the nurse had a long conversation with the son which helped the individual to cope up with the stress.
Providing them with adequate information about their health condition is essential when serving individuals under palliative care. As per the views of Chahal, (2022), keeping relevant information confidential from individuals can affect the overall procedure of serving them and informed consent is necessary. On the other hand, as per Dorothy, the individual was communicated properly by the professional experts when the disease spread in other body parts as well. While providing the individual with a certain treatment, it is essential for the authority to ensure that they are capable of making informed decisions in this regard. This further ensures the satisfaction of the service users since they are provided with adequate information about their health condition and based on that aspect they can make decisions regarding different treatments in a particular situation. The concerned authority discussed clearly the requirement for a particular surgery in this regard.
Another significant aspect which can be taken into consideration in this regard is that if a particular service user is incapable of making decisions at a certain point in time relevant personnel as per their choices are supposed to be communicated. For instance, Dorothy has provided information regarding the ones whom the individual trusts and they can make necessary decisions if the individual gets a heart attack. Building an effective relationship with the service user through effective communication ensures that the concerned authority gets to accumulate necessary data about their preferences and provide them with the necessary support in healthcare as per their requirement (Abou-Nassar et al., 2020). However, effective communication between Dorothy and the professional expert has helped in the process of identifying the fact Dorothy does not want to undergo an aggressive treatment like CPR if the individual gets a heart attack in the future.
Ways to communicate with service users in palliative care
It might require the authority to invest a huge amount of time in establishing effective communication with the service users. Initially, it might be possible that service users are reluctant to share their personal thoughts with the professional experts. For instance, in the case of Dorothy's son, it took a long time to establish communication. Several sessions might be required in this regard and it is vital for health care service providers such as medical practitioners, nurses and caregivers to remain firm and patient while dealing with them. It is necessary for them to deal delicately with service users since they might also be suffering from huge stress when their family members suffer from a particular disease (Cao, Dai & Liu, 2023). Furthermore, it is necessary for them to ensure that they do not use jargon or complex language which can lead individuals to misinterpret the information provided by them.

The conversation with the nurse helped Dorothy's son to cope up the stress and move ahead in life during such a difficult situation. The nurse considered the feelings and provided her with necessary strength so that she could confront her fear while suffering from such a fatal disease. Influenced by the ideas of Hawkins, Gannon & Palfrey (2020), considering face-to-face communication can have a great impact while providing palliative care to service users. On the other hand, due to time constraints and distance, the authorities can also take into consideration the benefits of the digital era and they can focus on communicating with relevant individuals through social media or other online platforms.
This can be quite beneficial as individuals are unable to visit a particular service center in the healthcare industry. Getting the family involved while interacting with the service users about their health condition can be quite effective in helping in the process of developing trust of the service users. Moreover, it indicated that in the case of Dorothy the nurse performs her duty not only by providing a brochure but actively listening to the individual and her son to provide them with the necessary solutions at that point in time. Furthermore, actively listening to the individuals and providing them with the desired responses depending on their questions is essential (Aarthun et al., 2019). Understanding the relationship with the service users nearest ones and their family members is also essential since this helps in the process of building trust.
Significance of informed decisions
The significance of informed decision cannot be ignored in the context of palliative care in the. Influenced by the ideas of Camden & Silva (2021), informed decisions provide service providers with an opportunity to maintain their ethical code of conduct. This also ensures that the treatment which they offer to the customers is understood by them, as well as their family members or the competent authority. Based on this aspect, necessary adjustments can be made from both end in order to establish an effective relationship with the service provider and the service users. If a person is not able to make a sound decision at a certain point in time, a relevant person can make a decision on their behalf. This also helps in the process of providing them with the desired services and this is supposed to be regarded as an integral part of their palliative care in future. On the other hand, keeping necessary information secret from them can lead to their satisfaction. This also ensures that the authority is capable of building a good connection with the service users, as well as their family and friends since they win their trust by informed decision making.
Impediments to communication
Non-acceptance of a particular situation often acts as a major impediment in establishing communication with the family members, as well as the service users in palliative care. As per the views of Horesh & Brown (2020), the lack of understanding among individuals about their health condition, as well as the necessity for establishing communication with relevant personnel can act as an impediment. Anger, as well as previous experience are also supposed to be taken into consideration. For instance, Dorothy lost her husband due to cancer and now she is also suffering from the same disease.
The individual's previous experience often does not allow her to talk about this disease and it might be possible that they are scared of discussing their health condition. However, understanding their point of view is essential to share their opinion with professional experts so that they can provide them with the necessary assistance about the disease (Blackwood et al., 2019). This state of mind can help in the process of eliminating the barriers to communication. Healthcare professionals face difficulty due to emotions expressed by the service users, as well as their family members and this often negatively impacts them, as well as their self-confidence (Hickie et al., 2019). The Lack of proper preparation can also be taken into consideration in this regard and it is vital for them to upgrade themselves with latest treatment at regular intervals so that they can provide an uninterrupted service to the service users
Solutions to overcome challenges
Skilled, as well as compassionate communication with service users, as well as their family members is essential in certain areas of clinical practice. When considering palliative care, it is vital for the authority to ensure that they deal with the vulnerable, as well as frightened individuals with honesty, as well as compassion (Rawlings, Dever & Poole, 2019). Understanding their emotional health by interacting with them properly can be quite effective. The authority might require conducting several discussion sessions since it might be difficult for individuals to share their perspective initially. It is the duty of the stakeholders like nurses, as well as medical practitioners to ensure that individuals are comfortable in their presence and share their views about their health without much difficulty. Enhancing skills to communicate is also essential and considering professional help for the healthcare sector expert can also be quite effective (Sima et al., 2020). Dorothy, as well as her son, communicated with the nurse who actively listens to them and heals them in this situation. Decisions regarding the treatment, as well as future plans are supposed to be taken by the service users or their family members depending upon the needs in a particular situation. This can provide individuals with the required assistance so that they can deal with the problem which affects their life largely (Blackwood et al., 2019). Since Dorothy shares a great bond with her daughter it might be effective if the authority to communicate with her daughter through digital platforms. However, it became difficult for her daughter to visit her regularly since she had a family to take care of. In this context using social media can be quite effective to overcome difficulty in communication (Slater & Herbert, 2023). Engaging all the family members can help in the process of making an effective decision regarding her palliative care.
From the above study, it can be concluded that providing individuals with the necessary care by considering the impact of building effective relationships, as well as communication is essential. In this context, Dorothy has been provided with the necessary help by the nurse, as well as other service providers. They also provide necessary assistance to the individual's son to cope to overcome the drastic situation due to his father's death, as well as her mother's serious illness. On the other hand, the lack of communication can lead individuals to face difficulty and it is also vital for the authority to ensure that they focus on informed consent of the individual and provide them with necessary details about their health condition to make any decision regarding their treatment in the future.
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