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Introduction: Leading Change in Healthcare SMAH917Dementia care And Training programs
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Medical beds are necessary for increasing the safety of patients and raising the standard of care while overcoming the challenges in the smooth environment of healthcare. Sandy Bay Hospital aims to increase the number of beds owing to adverse repeated incidents and allegations of several patients. The PPT will thoroughly focus on how transformational skills and transformational leadership become relevant and essential.
A Leadership Project for a Group
Healthcare centers such as dementia care flexible arrangements are vital for meeting the specific requirements of older adults. Required staff needs to be highly maintained while maintaining community-based partnerships, as integrating technologies needs to be properly maintained to dispose of medical-based issues. Medical staff, including nurses, must be adequately trained, and skills must be enhanced to make them active in medical-based activities so that no allegations or complaints arise from the patient's side.
Change Model Utilisation
The primary stages of the change model of Lewin are unfreezing, changing, and refreezing. This model could easily be applied to change management procedures in dementia care. In terms of unfreezing situations, changing demographics need to be acknowledged appropriately while maintaining the emergence of regulations or getting feedback from residents and families that will portray the requirements of healthcare services. Training needs to be given to staff while adjusting the roles and responsibilities of staff. In refreezing, the new practices must be overwhelmingly reinforced by several means of ongoing training while updating strategic planning and procedures for incorporating changes into the performance-based evaluations.
Leaders' contributions to alter processes
Leaders in healthcare centers can quickly create an environment that strongly fosters innovation while encouraging continuous improvement. The leaders in healthcare centers promote a culture of change by introducing new and organized ideas while being open to patient feedback and getting suggestions from several team members.
Transformative leadership and transformative talents in dementia care
To successfully adapt to the specific requirements while implementing initiatives for improving dementia care, transformational leaders must be enormously adaptable while inspiring commitment and supporting professional autonomy among the team members. Transformational leaders play crucial roles in admiring and encouraging others by establishing an example for illustrating curiosity and focusing on the change requirements for healthcare organizations and patients.

Resolution based on Conflict
Conflict management does not only deal with avoiding conflicts but also managing conflicts in a very constructive manner. Active listening, empathy, validation, and problem-solving methods could be included in dementia-centered care. By using conflict management, caregivers can quickly assist in setting up a positive environment that strongly promotes the betterment of the service providers and persons with dementia.
Obstacles and facilitators
For maintaining healthcare centers, including dementia centers, and training medical staff, specific barriers and enablers could arise. Among the barriers, resistance to change, communication issues, and resource shortages could arise. For enablers, maintaining communication strategies, using resources adequately, and maintaining mechanisms for feedback, recognition, and rewards could quickly arise while implementing the change process.
Assurance of success
The success of the change procedure is incredibly defined or determined by evaluating the strategic techniques. , it can be stated that areas that require improvement must be figured out while using performance indicators and maintaining techniques on feedback. Communication listening techniques need to be properly maintained for implementing changes.
Commonalities in group discussions
It is very significant to portray that in the group-based discussion, trust must be built among the stakeholders while cutting down resistance, which will ensure success in implementing the organizational changes. Besides, problem-solving, as well as ensuring alignment in the change procedure of an organization, needs to be carefully maintained to get adequate changes.
From the above discussion, change management will be intensely dynamic in healthcare organizations. Care quality in healthcare centers needs to be upgraded to implement adequate changes in healthcare centers.
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