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Introduction: Investigates a contemporary issue in education
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Education is a type of sector which deals with imparting knowledge to other with help of different schools, universities and other training institutions. For the development of the country it is very necessary that proper and good level of education is provided to the students so that they can learn effectively and work in a better manner. The current essay is based on the case of Malaysia wherein inadequate compensation is provided to the school teachers. Thus, the current study will outline the impact which inadequate compensation creates on the performance of a teacher. This will include analysis of different factors such as level of motivation, job satisfaction and overall performance. The current study will outline the rationale for selecting the current topic and then a detailed literature review will be undertaken along with future implications of the research topic.
Main Body
Background of the research
Inadequate compensation is defined as the less payment made to the employee or the person from me some work has been made full stop within the corporate sector there are many times situation where in the inadequate compensation is provided to the person doing the work. The inadequate compensation can be stated as a providing less remuneration as compared to the work done by the person. Within the Malaysian education sector as the inadequate compensation is highly promoted (Goldin and, 2020). This is particularly or issue because when there will be inadequate compensation then the teachers will not be happy working with in such an organisation. This as a result of tasty educational quality and working will be affected of the whole country. The current study will outline the evaluation of the impact of inadequate compensation over the performance of the teachers within the school. Along with this evaluation of the challenges faced by the teacher and the school due to inadequate compensation will be highlighted.
Research question
What is the effect of inadequate compensation on the job performance of school teachers in Malaysia?
Significance of research
For any country to be successful it is very necessary that be educational sector is very strong. This is particularly necessary because when the educational sector will be effective and sound then the student will be performing activities in development of the country. Thus, current research topic is of significance to the country (Swain and, 2019). This is due to the reason that when the education system will be sound than good students will be employed within the country and as a result of this the country's economic development will take place. In addition to this the current study will outline the impact of inadequate compensation over the performance of the teachers and it will help the school in analysing it. When the school will come to know the negative impact of inadequate compensation then they will try to improve it. In addition to this the current studies also of significance to the other countries as well who are practicing inadequate compensation (Malaysia in crisis over teacher shortage, 2023). It will help other countries as well to evaluate that how the inadequate compensation will be impacting the overall educational system of the country.
Rationale of research
The current working environment is competitive and it is very necessary for the country to effectively train the people of the country so that they can grow and develop. Hence this is the major reason for selecting the current research topic is that it will assist the country in evaluating the negative impacts of inadequate payment made to the teacher (Tran and Smith, 2019). Along with this it will also help the country to analyse the challenges which they can face due to inadequate compensation provided. Moreover the reason for selecting the current research topic is the academic and personal interest of the researcher.
Critical analysis of literature
Concept of inadequate compensation and job satisfaction
In the views of Harris and, (2019) inadequate compensation is a concept which includes paying very little payment to a particular person. It implies that the company is paying less to the person in accordance with their capability and requirements. Compensation is defined as the payment made to the person for providing the services. The person providing the different services charges some of the cost and it is referred to as the compensation. It is very necessary for the company they effectively pay the employees in accordance with the work they have performed. In case the payment made is less in comparison to the work they have performed then it is stated as inadequate compensation.
On the other hand Sudirman and, (2021) argued that when proper and accurate compensation is provided to the employees then they will be highly motivated and the job satisfaction will be higher. This is pertaining to the fact that when the employees are happy with the working conditions and the payment being made then ultimately it will improve their working conditions. Thus, as a result of this, the working capability will be improved and the job satisfaction will be higher. But in case the payment made to the person will not be enough then it will impact the level of job satisfaction. This is pertaining to the fact that the person works majorly for the remuneration being earned by them. Thus, when this is less then automatically the person will not be happy and satisfied with the working conditions.
In against of this, Schaack, Le and Stedron, (2020) stated that both the compensation and the level of job satisfaction are interconnected to one another. This is pertaining to the fact that when the person is not provided with the relevant and appropriate remuneration then it will affect the level of job satisfaction. The reason underlying the fact is that when the effective payment is made to the employees then they will be much happier and as a result of this they will perform better. But in case the compensation and benefits provided to the employees is not good then it will negatively impact the working condition and as a result of this, the overall performance of the employee will reduce.
Impact of inadequate compensation on the performance of teacher
In accordance with the views Mlachila and Moeletsi, (2019) it is very necessary for the country to have a good education system. It is because of the reason that when the people studying within the country will not be good and effective then the future of the country will be at stake. This is pertaining to the fact that when the youth of the country will not be educated then it will affect the overall country. Hence, it is very necessary for the country that they try to maintain a good education system. Thus, for this, it is necessary for the educational system to hire good and effective teachers so that they can impart good knowledge. In addition to this, it is the responsibility of the school that they must keep the teachers happy and safe so that they can educate the students in a better manner.
In support of this Subarto, Solihin and Qurbani, (2021) states that when the teachers are kept happy and healthy then it creates a positive impact on their work and their level of job satisfaction as well. The reason underlying the fact is that when the proper compensation is provided to the teachers along with other benefits then it motivates them to work efficiently. Thus, it will improve the overall efficiency of the education system as well as the students studying there. Moreover, when the teachers of schools are happy then they will put extra effort into making the students learn better and become good personalities who will support the country in its improvement.
On the contradictory note, Bukoye, (2019) argued that when the inadequate compensation is provided to the teachers then alternately there is a negative impact been created over their performance. This is particularly because of the reason that the only motive for a person to work is the money which they earn. In case the money provided that is the compensation or the remuneration is very low then it will not motivate the employees to work effectively within the company. In the present case, teachers within the school of Malaysia are provided in adequate compensation. Thus, as a result of this major impact created over the performance of teachers is decrease in motivation level of working. The reason underlying the fact is that when the compensation provided to the teachers will be low then they will not be happy working within the school. Thus, as a result of this motivation level of working for the Teachers will reduce and they will not be working efficiently.
On the other hand Tran and Smith, (2019) argued that another major impact created by inadequate compensation is less job satisfaction. This is particularly because of the reason that when employees will not be provided with relevant pay then it will demotivate the teachers to work as well. Thus, as a result of this satisfaction level of teachers for the school will be reducing. Hence, it is very necessary for the school to not pay inadequately so that the performance of teacher will increase and ultimately students will also increase. Thus, when a dissatisfied person will be working then automatically it will reduce the working efficiency and as a result of this the objective of the school will not be attained well.

Moreover in the views of Mason-Williams and, (2020) it was evaluated that another impact created by inadequate pay over the performance of teacher includes lower employee engagement. This is particularly a negative impact because when the school will not be providing appropriate pay to the teachers then the engagement of teacher towards the organisation will be very low. This is because of the reason that when the teachers will not be provided with the minimum pay then it will be impacting their interest towards the school and their working. Thus, as a result of this the engagement of teachers towards attainment of the objectives of school will be reduced. Also, the teachers will not be taking any initiative for the better working of the schools and its policies as well.
On the other hand Scales and, (2020) criticize to the fact that when inadequate compensation is paid to teachers then it results in increasing employee turnover. This is particularly a major impact created by inadequate payment made to the teachers. The reason underlying the fact is that when payment made will be less for the work done by the teachers then they will ultimately go to other options. This is particularly necessary because when payment will be less to the teachers then ultimately they will switch over to other options. This is pertaining to the reason that when the current School will not be providing them enough compensation for the work which they have performed then they will switch over to other companies who will be providing much better payment.
In addition to this Svensson, (2019) evaluated that reduction in the quality of the services another major impact being created by inadequate compensation paid to the school teacher. This is particularly because of the reason that when the payment made to the teacher will not be sufficient then as a result of this they will not be performing effectively. Hence when the performance will be affected then the quality of the services will reduce and as a result of this the educational qualities will hamper. Thus, it is very necessary for the school to pay enough to the teachers so that they provide good and effective services to the student. Along with this when the payment made is inadequate then this decreases the interest of teacher within the services of the school. Due to inadequate compensation the teacher does not provide effective services and as a result of this capability of the services reduces which in turn reduces the quality of the teaching practices.
According to the Clark,, (2021) money is the incentive which helps on increase the satisfaction of an individual. Inappropriate compensation leads to dissatisfaction among teacher which leads to decrease in the motivation level of teacher. This creates a lower commitment of an individual toward its work and hampered the education of the students. This will lead to increase the amount of absentees' which lead to delay on completion of the syllabus. Lower commitment of teacher lead not providing proper and effective instruction to the student which decreases the grade of the institutions and decrease the position of the institution. It has also been identified by Nguyen, et. Al,(2020) that it leads to decrease in the effort by a teacher for providing right amount of knowledge to the student. They indulge less effort they are not satisfied and motivated with their current compensation pattern and knowing that no scope of improving in the level with keeps them dissatisfied. Employee's involvement in the decision making and providing valuable suggestion also reduces. Overall productivity and performance also get impacted as this lead to reduction in teamwork, communication and collaboration among employees.
However, Carver-Thomas and Darling-Hammond (2019) identified that lack of proper remuneration to teacher has negative impact on the brand value of the school. Reduction in the performance of teacher will lead to decrease in the grades of the students. These decreasing grades will not able to attract more students toward institution leading to lower position of the company. Further Asaloei, Wolomasi and Werang (2020) describe that employees and customers are the sources through which brand value could be increased and help in retention of them. Unmotivated and dissatisfied employees will lead to negative marketing of the company in the industry which decreases the scope of attracting new and fresh talent in the institution. Fresh employees came with new ideas and experience which improve the performance of the organization and increasing the profitability of the institution. Discontented employees will not be able to attract the new and skilled talent in the organization. It has been identified by the Swain, Rodriguez and Springer (2019) disquieted and unpleased employed demolish the organizational culture which hampered the proper communication within different level. There will be barrier in the effective communication as the employees are not interest in knowing future plan and implementing them due to their compensation pattern. This creates a situation of internal conflict between the head and teacher which degrade the effective communication leading to decreasing the performance of the institution.
Additional Mulang (2021) declared that such institution could not survive for longer period of time as their employees are not satisfied. There is no scope of growth for both institution and the employees. Employees do not try to improve or enhance their performance because they do not saw any scope of their growth which makes them work more efficiently. Increasing in salary, bonus, promotion and reward are various incentives which motivated an individual as they provide growth opportunity for individual. According to Asaloei, Wolomasi and Werang (2020) low compensation also negatively impact on the relation of superior and subordinate of the institution. Teacher does not feel like providing regular and appropriate response to their superior or take their suggestion for better working. Non equitable payment or fair payment to the teacher leads to decreasing in stimulation and eventually reducing the accountability of the employees.
Challenges faced due to inadequate compensation provided to the teacher
According to the Harris, et. al, (2019) inadequate compensation leads to decrease in the motivation of the teacher which eventually impacts the performance of teacher in fulfilling student's needs. If regular and sufficient compensation is provided to them they will put more efforts in sharing their knowledge. It is the challenge for institution for maintaining the motivational level of teacher by adopting various measures which are cost effective for the schools. However the Pambudi and Harjanto (2020) suggest that insufficient reward for the work will lead to low job satisfaction which will lead to more absentees. This will hamper the routine working of the education centers and the quality of output accepted from them had been reduced. Higher absentees will lead to delay in completion of the syllabus and reduce the time availability for the student to understand it. Another Diliberti, Schwartz and Grant (2021) identified that there is increase in the rate of teacher turnover as teacher are not loyal for their jobs in Malaysia. Their motivation level is very low so they easily shift from one school to another. Constants replacing of teacher takes time for students and teacher to understand each other leading to decrease in efficiency. Retention of the teacher within school is the biggest challenge which could be overcome by improving the satisfaction of teachers.
As per the Tran and Smith ( 2019) this creates low satisfaction for other to opt for teacher stream. There shows a decrease in number of teacher in Malaysia since 2017 due to inadequate pay for the services provided. Low compensation creates a disability for educational centre in attracting new and fresh talents of the country. This also impacts the educational industry of the country which is crucial in every country. The Lovison and Mo ( 2022) also highlights the decrease in professionalism of teachers as they will less concern about the importance of their work. Their commitment toward completing their work also decreases and leads to increase in truanting which affects the overall working of the organization and also decrease the growth opportunity of the teacher as they get vulnerable to work in such way. The Aduna,, (2020) indentify that there is less involvement of the teacher in forming policies which could improve position of the school. Teachers will not share their knowledge or information to the policy maker as they do not feel motivated from their job. This dissatisfaction will hamper the overall growth of the schools and other educational centers. Satisfied employs share their experience with the institution and advice upon what could be done for increase the performance of the institution.
It has been identified by the Manafa (2022) that less compensation will lead to decrease in the brand value of the school due to ineffective services provided by the their staff. There is decrease in the commitment of the teacher toward completing their work leading to decrease in the grades or result of the student. This will lead to negative marketing of the school in the market which will impact the profitability of the school leading in reduction in its brand value.. It has also concluded by the Shikalepo (2020) that low cooperation impacts the organizational culture and impacted on the accountability by various employees. Effective accountability made employees liable toward their work and responsibility. Inappropriate compensation reduce their motivation toward there work and they do not provide proper feedback to their superior which lead to decrease in the performance leading to loss for school. .According the Lie,, (2021) financial incentives are not only components' of increasing the motivation but non financial incentives such as reward, appreciation, etc are also important in increasing the performance. Challenges have been occurred which including provides non financial incentives as well with appropriate financial incentives. This help increasing the motivation level of the individual for increasing the effectiveness of the performance.
Further Corrado and Tungjan (2019) describe that low compensation lead to decrease in the involvement of teacher in the forming policies. This makes them feel like not valued for the organization and decrease their morale. This will lead to poor culture in the organization and decreases the image of the institution. Company do not p[provide any proper or appropriate compensation of their services which leads teacher not interested in the success of the schools leading to decreasing in the grades of the students. It has been described by an Ahmed and Malik (2019) that unbefitting wages eventually lead to decrease in the profit of the institution. Dissatisfied employees will not provide withy the out which an intuition need lead to decreasing the position of the school leading to low admission in the school. This will lead to decrease in the overall profitability of the institution. According to the Svensson (2019) it is very important to have effective communication system for better transferring of information between employees of different level. Unsatisfied employees do not share their experience and skills with other and not focusing in implementing and understanding other thought process. This creates a barrier in the proper communication within organization and creates a challenge for institution for improving the communication system in the schools.
Implication of further research
The current research is very helpful for the future working as well. This is particularly because of the reason that the current study will be helpful in improving the future working. The school can analyse the current study and evaluate the negative impacts of inadequate payment made to the teachers. This as a result of this it will guide the managerial body of the school to effectively make the Strategies and plan for the payment made to the teachers. In case the payment made to the teachers will be effective and enough then it will motivate the teachers to work well and educate effectively. Moreover this study will help in future for deciding the pay scale of other schools as well. Other schools can use this study as base and can decide for the better options and opportunities for development of teachers.
In the end it is concluded that evaluating the performance of the teacher is very necessary for the effective development of the students. The current study outlined that providing in adequate compensation negatively impacts the working capabilities of a teacher and ultimately affects the knowledge of the student and development of the country. Hence with the study it was evaluated that inadequate compensation means providing less payment to the person for the services they have provided. Moreover the above study highlighted that is negative impact created over the performance of the teachers when inadequate compensation is provided to them. The major drawback identified included decrease in motivation level of the teacher, more employee turnover, less job satisfaction, lower employee engagement and much other different negative impact. In addition to this the major challenges faced included lack in accountability, reduced working quality and many other different challenges.
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